Manually creating territories allows you to build territories by interacting with the map. Use the Select Tool and context menu to carve out new custom territories.
Import Territory Names from a Layer or Table
This feature allows you to select names for territories using user database or feature layer with territory names. This can be a table or layer containing a territory manager's list or any other data suitable for naming territories. If it is a feature layer with a geometric field, then this field will be taken into account for assigning the name to a nearest territory. Importing territory names is available for Create Territories from Seed Points, Create Territories from centers of density, and Manually Create Territories.
As a primary use case, suppose you have a manager's feature layer where the location field is the office location of the manager and name field that contains managers names. After creating territories, each territory will have the name of the nearest manager.
How does it work?
The source layer or table for importing territory names (Name Table) from can be selected in the Create Territories wizard.
If the Use unique names only check box is checked, the names table will be filtered and duplicates will not be used.
If you select a table without a location attribute, names will be assigned to territories one by one.
If you select a feature layer, each territory will search for the nearest name. Each name can be assigned only once (to only one territory). The selected feature layer can have any location field type. Nonpoint geometries will be converted to a point using the Area Centroid method.
In Manual create territories mode, if you create a new empty territory, it uses the first unassigned name, even if the name has location information. Name tables are linked to the level selected in the Create Territories wizard, so manually created territories can be selected from different name tables for each level. Name tables are serialized within the territory solution, so you can continue using selected name tables after loading the territory solution.
The Create Territories from Seed Points and Create Territories from centers of density commands will reset the name table after use, so it is not possible to use half of the names in auto mode and continue to create territories manually using the second half of the names.
If a Territory Extent is assigned, it will be applied to the names feature layer. Only names located inside the extent will be used for naming territories.
The names table has a limit on the number of records. Only the first 200,000 names will be used if this is a simple table, and the first 100,000 names located in the Territory Extent will be used if this is a feature layer.
If you decide to import territory names, then additional service options will be available on the page where the number of territories to create is selected.
Drag and drop territories
Drag-and-drop functionality for territory elements within the map is supported. Use the territory Select Tool to select the desired element by right-clicking and drag it to a nearby territory. If the territory is available the boundaries will be in green. You can also reassign territories from the map to the chart view in the Territory Design window. To do this, use the territory Select Tool and drag the territory from the map into another territory's graph. The territory will be reassigned and updated dynamically.