Creating SQL Server Express database users
Use the following steps for creating users for the Bathymetry Information System (BIS) geodatabase in ArcCatalog on a database server (an instance of SQL Server Express).
- Start ArcCatalog.
- Right-click the database server where you want to add a user or group.
- Click Permissions.
The Permissions dialog box appears.
- Click Add user.
- Specify the location where you want to search for the user or group.
This can be the local machine or a domain.
- Type the name of the user or group you want to add.
- Click Check Names to verify that the login name is valid.
- Click OK.
Granting users geodatabase roles/permissions
After you have registered users with the SQL Server Express server, you will need to assign each of those users specific permissions based on their BIS role.
- Right-click the geodatabase for which you want to grant user permissions.
- Click Administration and click Permissions.
- Choose the desired user or group from the list on the Permissions dialog box.
- Click the appropriate role:
- None—No specific access to the geodatabase or the datasets in the geodatabase has been granted.
- Read Only—The user can only view and select data.
- Read/Write—The user can read, write to, and create new datasets in a geodatabase or can read and write to an existing dataset.
- Admin—The user can perform administrative tasks in a specific geodatabase.
- Server administrator—This user manages the database server.
- Click Apply.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each administrator and editor.