Using this capability, you can browse through errors in the Reviewer table and make and save corrections.
- Open a web browser and browse to the Roadway Characteristics Editor.
- On the Review tab, in the Data Reviewer group, click the Show Data Reviewer Table button .
- In the Reviewer table, select the error you would like to correct and click the Correct Selected Error button .
The Data Correction dialog box appears.
- Select the value of the attribute you would like to correct.
- Type the new attribute value and press Enter to implement the change.
Edited values are highlighted in yellow.
- Click Save to save your edits.
Edits must be saved before moving on to the next editable error in the dialog box.
- Click Next to edit the next error in the Reviewer table.
Only internal events registered with Roads and Highways and in the current time view of the map can be edited.