What is CAD data
A quick tour of working with CAD data
Essential CAD Vocabulary
Supported CAD formats in ArcGIS
Showing CAD file extensions
Showing MicroStation DGN files
Showing world files
About CAD coordinate systems
How CAD data is organized
Types of user-created attributes in CAD drawings
The direct-read CAD data model
Supported AutoCAD and MicroStation geometry
An overview of integrating CAD data
CAD feature dataset properties
CAD feature class properties
Adding CAD data to a map
Displaying CAD features
Setting drawing layer visibility
Symbolizing CAD features
Using Query Builder with CAD layers
Setting transparency for CAD feature layers
Changing CAD Annotation symbols
About CAD dataset spatial references
Defining a spatial reference for a CAD dataset
Projection files for CAD datasets
About georeferencing CAD datasets
Georeferencing CAD datasets
Managing links and control points
World files for CAD datasets
Defining a coordinate transformation
Adding control points manually
Loading control points from a world file
GeoreferencingToolbar - Using the Scale tool
GeoreferencingToolbar - Using the Shift tool
GeoreferencingToolbar - Using the Rotate tool
Strategies for loading CAD data
Loading CAD annotation
Using the Copy Features tool
Using the CAD to Geodatabase tool
Using the Merge tool
Using the Feature Class to Feature Class tool
Using the Import CAD Annotation tool
Exporting features to CAD drawings
Default output to CAD drawings
Overriding default CAD output
Reserved CAD fields for DWG and DXF files
Reserved CAD fields for DGN files
Using the Export to CAD tool
Using the Add CAD Fields tool
Exporting features to specific CAD layers
Exporting attributes as CAD text
Exporting attributes to AutoCAD Block attributes
Using ModelBuilder to export data to CAD
Rescaling annotation
Using Python to load CAD data
Preparing a DWG seed file
Preparing a DGN seed file