Converts a set of U.S. Bureau of Census TIGER/Line files into one or more coverages.
Creates up to three output coverages. Both the out_point_cover and out_landmark_cover coverages are created only when the dataset contains area point and landmark features:
- out_cover—Basic line features
- out_point_cover—Polygon location points
- out_landmark_cover—Landmark point features
At least one output coverage must be specified.
Converts all versions released after April 1989. The minimum input required by this tool is Record Types 1 and 2.
This tool does not support Record Types F and G, released with the 1992 School District version. These are temporary record types, not found in earlier or subsequent versions.
Only those files in the workspace directory specified by the input TIGER file prefix will be used in the conversion. If the file prefix does not include a path, files in the current workspace directory will be used. Files that are not required for your particular application can be renamed or deleted. Files on CD-ROM will have to be copied to disk before they can be renamed or deleted.
The output coverages for this tool will always be in double precision. TIGER/Line files often contain tiny line segments that would be lost if converted to single precision.
TigerArc_arc (in_tiger_file_prefix, out_cover, {out_point_cover}, {out_landmark_cover}, {tiger_version})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_tiger_file_prefix | The filename prefix, common to all files in the set of TIGER/Line files being converted. The prefix may include a directory path. | String |
out_cover | The name of the output coverage to be created containing the basic line features and attribute data from the set of TIGER/Line files. | Coverage |
out_point_cover (Optional) | The name of the output coverage that contains point features that represent polygon label points for polygons in out_cover. | Coverage |
out_landmark_cover (Optional) | The name of the output point coverage containing landmark features. | Coverage |
tiger_version (Optional) | The input TIGER/Line files version.
| String |
Code Sample
TigerArc example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to import a set of TIGER/Line files to coverage format.
# Name:
# Description: Imports a set of TIGER/Line files into three coverages
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inTigerFilePrefix = "TGR12043.RT"
outCover = "C:/output/tgr12043line"
outPointCover = "C:/output/tgr12043pnt"
outLandmarkCover = "C:/output/tgr12043land"
# Execute TigerArc
arcpy.TigerArc_arc(inTigerFilePrefix, outCover, outPointCover,
Licensing Information
- ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: No
- ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requires ArcInfo Workstation installed