Calculates and reports the concurrent route segments within an LRS Network. These concurrencies are reported with the measures for each concurrent route segment and a time range in which the concurrency exists. The route dominance rules for the LRS Network can be used to determine the dominant route in each concurrent section.
The output feature class contains the following fields: NetworkID, RouteID, SectionID, FromMeasure, ToMeasure, FromDate, ToDate, DominantFlag, and DominantError.
CalculateRouteConcurrencies_roads (in_network, out_table, {in_tvd}, {find_dominance})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_network | The network containing the routes on which concurrencies will be calculated. | Feature Layer |
out_table | The table to be created, containing all the concurrent sections in the Source LRS Network. | Table |
in_tvd (Optional) | The temporal view date for the network. | Date |
find_dominance (Optional) | Indicates whether to use route dominance rules configured for in_network.
| Boolean |
Code sample
AppendEvents example 1 (Python window)
Demonstrates how to use the CalculateRouteConcurrencies tool in the Python window in ArcMap.
# tool variables
in_network = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\LRSN_MilePoint"
out_table = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\ConcurrenciesOutput"
in_tvd = ""
find_dominance = "FIND_DOMINANCE"
# set current workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/NY_Data.gdb"
# execute the tool
arcpy.CalculateRouteConcurrencies_roads(in_network, out_table, in_tvd, find_dominance)
AppendEvents example 2 (stand-alone Python script)
Demonstrates how to use the CalculateRouteConcurrencies tool as a stand-alone Python script.
# Name:
# Description: Identifies all the route concurrencies in a given network.
# Requires: Esri Roads and Highways Solution
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables
network = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\LRSN_MilePoint"
output_table = r"C:\Data\NY_Data.gdb\Concurrencies_Output"
# Execute the tool
arcpy.CalculateRouteConcurrencies_roads(network, output_table, "", "FIND_DOMINANCE")
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Requires Roads and Highways
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Requires Roads and Highways
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requires Roads and Highways