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INAODCostMatrixSolver.DefaultTargetDestinationCount Property (ArcObjects .NET 10.5 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INAODCostMatrixSolver.DefaultTargetDestinationCount Property

The default number of destinations to find.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property DefaultTargetDestinationCount As Object
public object DefaultTargetDestinationCount {get; set;}
HRESULT get_DefaultTargetDestinationCount(
  VARIANT* Value
HRESULT put_DefaultTargetDestinationCount(

Parameters Value [out, retval] Value is a parameter of type VARIANT Value [in] Value is a parameter of type VARIANT

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


DefaultTargetDestinationCount specifies the number of destinations to find for the NAODCostMatrixSolver.  For example, solving for 10 destinations will return the cost-distance to the 10 closest destinations from each origin.

DefaultTargetDestinationCount is considered �default� because it can be overridden on a feature-by-feature basis by the presence of a non-null value in the TargetDestinationCount field of an individual feature.

DefaultTargetDestinationCount, if not NULL, can be cast as an integer.  It is returned as an object/variant in order to allow a NULL value to be used to specify an unlimited default destination count.  A DefaultTargetDestinationCount of NULL indicates that a path will be found, if possible, between every origin and every destination.

If a specific origin feature has a non-null value in the TargetDestinationCount field of its NAClass, this value will override the DefaultTargetDestinationCount for that origin. 

If an attempt is made to set the DefaultTargetDestinationCount to a non-integer value, it will be rounded to the nearest integer.

See Also

INAODCostMatrixSolver Interface

.NET Snippets

Set OD Cost Matrix Properties | Statements - Set OD Cost Matrix Properties

.NET Samples

ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application (Code Files: frmNALayerProperties)