How to Install ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit

ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit is a collection of embeddable GIS components and developer resources that can be used to extend ArcGIS or build your own applications. Developers use ArcGIS Engine to deploy GIS data, maps, and geoprocessing scripts in desktop or mobile applications using application programming interfaces (APIs) for .NET, Java, and C++. This topic describes the steps to install ArcGIS Engine and ArcObjects SDK for Java to develop geographic information solutions.

In this topic

About ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit

The first step for building an application with the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit is to install ArcGIS Engine. ArcGIS Engine is a redistributable version of ArcObjects needed to run ArcGIS Engine applications developed with the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit.
The ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit contains all the required resources for developing custom, stand-alone desktop Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping applications that are then deployed on the ArcGIS Engine platform. The features of the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit are

About downloading and installing ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit

Prior to download and installing ArcGIS Engine or ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit, please review the ArcGIS Engine and ArcObjects SDK system requirements.
ArcGIS products can be downloaded from the Esri Customer Care Portal.  The Customer Care Portal provides three options for obtaining ArcGIS Software:
  1. Download entire media (includes all setups)
  2. Download individual setups
  3. Request backup media
For more information on getting started with ArcGIS Engine or the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit, see the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit and ArcGIS Engine Quick Start Guide.

Download entire media

When the “download entire media” option is chosen, the ArcGIS media is downloaded in the form of an ISO image.  Instructions for handling an ISO image are provided on the bottom of the Customer Care Portal’s Software Download pages.
ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kits are available for download as three ISO images: 

ArcGIS 10.4 Engine Developer Kit (Windows)
ArcGIS Uninstall Utility
ArcGIS Engine
ArcObjects SDK for Microsoft .NET Framework
ArcObjects SDK for Java
ArcObjects SDK for Cross Platform C++
ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop
ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (Personal)
Python 2.7
ArcGIS License Manager (Windows)
ArcGIS License Manager (Linux)
ArcGIS License Manager (Solaris)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
ArcGIS 10.4 Engine Developer Kit (Linux)
ArcGIS Engine
ArcObjects SDK for Java
ArcObjects SDK for Cross Platform C++
ArcGIS License Manager (Windows)
ArcGIS License Manager (Linux)
ArcGIS License Manager (Solaris)
ArcGIS 10.4 Engine
ArcGIS Uninstall Utility
ArcGIS Engine (Windows)
ArcGIS Engine (Linux)
ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop
ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express(Personal)
Python 2.7
ArcGIS License Manager (Windows)
ArcGIS License Manager (Linux)
ArcGIS License Manager (Solaris)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Backup media in the form of DVDs can be requested for each of these three ISO images. 
Once the ISO image has been mounted/extracted,

Download individual setups

Individual setups, rather than the entire media, can be downloaded by clicking on the Download button corresponding to the setup of interest.
  1. Make sure you have write access to your download directory location as well as your ArcGIS installation directory location, and that no one is accessing it.
  2. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal. Recommended: Use the Esri Download Manager to manage your downloads.  Individual setups are downloaded in the form of self-extracting executables.
  3. The first panel of the extraction wizard will allow you to indicate the location on your computer to which you would like the installation files extracted. When satisfied, click OK.
  4. You will be notified when the file extraction is complete. To automatically install the software, leave the Launch the setup program check box on the final panel of the extraction wizard checked. To install the software at a later time, uncheck the check box. You can install the software at any time by browsing to the product's extracted location and running the setup.exe. The setup program will guide you through the installation process
Administrative privileges are required for installing the ArcGIS software. If you do not have the necessary privileges, an administrator on your system can install the software by running the setup.exe at the product's extracted location.
  1. Click on the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care Portal.
  2. Save the file to a location large enough to hold both the gzip file and the tar file.  Note: If you are installing more than one ArcGIS product, please place each gzip file in a separate directory before expanding and extracting the tar file. Otherwise, the Documentation directory, support directory, Setup script, and install.htm files will be overwritten.
  3. Make sure you have read-write-execute (rwx) access to your intended ArcGIS installation location.
  4. gunzip the ArcGIS file to get the tar file. At the prompt, type % gunzip <file_name>.tar.gz.
  5. Extract the product tar file to create the install directory: % tar xvf <file_name>.tar.
  6. Change to the extracted install directory (cd) and run the provided ./Setup script to install the ArcGIS software. The setup program will guide you through the installation process.

Request backup media

Backup media can be requested for each of the three ISO images listed above.  Please fill out the form on the Request Backup Media tab of Customer Care Portal Software Download page. 
ArcGIS Engine can also be installed silently. For more information refer Installing ArcGIS Engine silently on Windows

Authorizing your software

The ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit must be authorized before you can begin to develop your solution. Use an Internet connection to complete the authorization steps below.  If you do not have an Internet connection for the machine on which you intend to install the software, you can authorize the software via e-mail or Web site.
  1. After the installation, open the ArcGIS Administrator wizard.
    1. Windows: Click Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Administrator
    2. Linux: Open the Software Authorizationwizard for ArcGIS Engine from the following product installation location
        <install path>/arcgis/engine10.4/./authorizeSoftware
  2. Select the ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit (Single Use) option to develop and run Engine applications.
  3. Click Authorize Now...
  4. Select the default option I have installed my software and need to authorize it.
  5. Select Authorize with ESRI now using the Internet.
  6. Enter your personal information.
  7. Enter your core product authorization number (ESUxxxxxxxxx). See the Authorization and Provisioning page on the Esri Customer Care Portal to obtain this if you do not have this number available to you.
  8. Enter the authorization numbers for extensions if applicable.
  9. Click Finish after the authorization process is complete.
  10. Click OK to close the ArcGIS Administrator. Your software is now ready for use.

See Also:

Post Installation

Additional Requirements
  • ArcGIS 10.4 Engine Developers Kit