How to synchronize MapControl and PageLayoutControl

A common task for an ArcGIS Engine developer is to synchronize (in the same application) a map used by the MapControl with the focus map of the PageLayoutControl. This topic shows the methods used to achieve this synchronization.

In this topic

Synchronizing MapControl and PageLayoutControl

A common task for an ArcGIS Engine developer is to synchronize (in the same application) a map used by the MapControl with the focus map of the PageLayoutControl. For example, an application can have one tab containing a MapControl and one tab containing a PageLayoutControl, with both displaying the same map data. Any changes made to a map in one control must be reflected in the other control when its tab is activated.

Differences between ArcMap and ArcGIS Engine controls

Consider the following differences between ArcMap and ArcGIS Engine controls:

ArcMap synchronization

The synchronization that ArcMap provides can be implemented with the MapControl and PageLayoutControl as follows:  

See Also:

Sample: Copy focus map
Using MapControl
Using PageLayoutControl

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