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IGpSpRefObject Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geoprocessing > ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing > Interfaces > IG > IGpSpRefObject Interface
ArcGIS Developer Help

IGpSpRefObject Interface

Provides access to the Dispatch SpatialReference Object.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read/write property Abbreviation The abbreviated name of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property Alias The alias of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property AngularUnitCode The angular unit code.
Read/write property AngularUnitName The angular unit name.
Read/write property Azimuth The azimuth of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property CentralMeridian The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property CentralMeridianInDegrees The central meridian (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system in degrees.
Read/write property CentralParallel The central parallel (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property Classification The classification of a map projection.
Method Create Create the spatial reference using the currently set properties.
Method CreateFromFile Create the spatial reference from a projection file.
Read/write property DatumCode The datum code.
Read/write property DatumName The datum name.
Read-only property Domain The extent of the X/Y domain.
Read/write property FactoryCode The factory code of the spatial reference.
Read/write property FalseEasting The false easting (X0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property FalseNorthing The false northing (Y0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property FalseOriginAndUnits The false origin and units.
Read/write property Flattening The flattening ratio of this spheroid.
Read/write property GCSCode The geographic coordinate system code.
Read/write property GCSName The geographic coordinate system name.
Read-only property HasMPrecision Indicates whether or not m-value precision information has been defined.
Read-only property HasXYPrecision Indicates whether or not (x,y) precision information has been defined.
Read-only property HasZPrecision Indicates whether or not z-value precision information has been defined.
Read/write property IsHighPrecision The HighPrecision property.
Read/write property LatitudeOf1st The latitude of the first point (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LatitudeOf2nd The latitude of the second point (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LinearUnitCode The linear unit code.
Read/write property LinearUnitName The linear unit name.
Read-only property Longitude The longitude value of this prime meridian.
Write-only property Longitude The longitude value of this prime meridian.
Read/write property LongitudeOf1st The longitude of the first point (Lambda 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOf2nd The longitude of the second point (Lambda 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property LongitudeOfOrigin The longitude of origin (Lambda0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read-only property MDomain The extent of the measure domain.
Read-only property MFalseOriginAndUnits The measure false origin and units.
Read/write property MResolution The MResolution property.
Read/write property MTolerance The MTolerance property.
Read/write property Name The name of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property PCSCode The projected coordinate system code.
Read/write property PCSName The projected coordinate system name.
Read/write property PrimeMeridianCode The prime meridian code.
Read/write property PrimeMeridianName The prime meridian name.
Read/write property ProjectionCode The projection code.
Read/write property ProjectionName The projection name.
Read-only property RadiansPerUnit The radians per angular unit.
Read/write property Remarks The comment string of this spatial reference component.
Read/write property ScaleFactor The scale factor (K0) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property SemiMajorAxis The semi-major axis length of this spheroid.
Read/write property SemiMinorAxis The semi-minor axis length of this spheroid.
Method SetDomain Get the domain extent.
Method SetFalseOriginAndUnits Get the false origin and units.
Method SetMDomain Get the measure domain extent.
Method SetMFalseOriginAndUnits Get the measure false origin and units.
Method SetZDomain Get the Z domain extent.
Method SetZFalseOriginAndUnits Get the Z false origin and units.
Read/write property SpatialReference The spatial reference object.
Read/write property SpheroidCode The spheroid code.
Read/write property SpheroidName The spheroid name.
Read/write property StandardParallel1 The first parallel (Phi 1) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property StandardParallel2 The second parallel (Phi 2) of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property Type The type of the spatial reference.
Read-only property Usage The usage notes of a projected coordinate system.
Read/write property XYResolution The XYResolution property.
Read/write property XYTolerance The XYTolerance property.
Read-only property ZDomain The extent of the Z domain.
Read-only property ZFalseOriginAndUnits The Z false origin and units.
Read/write property ZResolution The ZResolution property.
Read/write property ZTolerance The ZTolerance property.

Classes that implement IGpSpRefObject

Classes Description
GpSpRefObject Geoprocessing Spatial Reference object.