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naError Constants (ArcObjects .NET 10.8 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > NetworkAnalyst > ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalyst > Constants > N > naError Constants
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naError Constants

Network Analyst error codes.

Constant Value Description
E_NA_NO_EXTENSION -2147201023 Unable to find Network Analyst Extension.
E_NA_NO_CLASSDEF -2147201022 No Class Definition provided.
E_NA_NO_ATTRIBUTE -2147201021 Unable to find Attribute.
E_NA_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE -2147201020 The Attribute type is invalid.
E_NA_NO_RESULT -2147201019 No result was found.
E_NA_UNLOCATED_FLAG -2147201018 The flag is unlocated.
E_NA_NONTRAVERSABLE_FLAG -2147201017 The flag is non traversable.
E_NA_DHEAP_INSERT -2147201016 Insert error in DHeap.
E_NA_INVALID_HIERARCHY_RANGES -2147201015 Invalid hierarchy ranges found.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_STOP_UNREACHABLE -2147201014 One of the stops is not reachable.
E_NA_NULL_SOURCEID -2147201013 The Source ID is null.
E_NA_NULL_SOURCEOID -2147201012 The Source OID is null.
E_NA_MISSING_FIELD -2147201011 Field missing in analysis class.
E_NA_BAD_CONNECTIVITY -2147201010 Network connectivity error was found.
E_NA_NO_IMPEDANCE_ATTRIBUTE -2147201009 An impedance attribute is required.
E_NA_NO_ACCUMULATE_ATTRIBUTE -2147201008 An accumulate attribute is required.
E_NA_NULL_FIELDVALUE -2147201007 Unexpected null in field value.
E_NA_NO_ACCUMULATION_RANGES -2147201006 No accumulation ranges were provided.
E_NA_INVALID_PARTITION_ATTRIBUTE -2147201005 The network partition attribute must be of type integer.
E_NA_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY -2147201004 There is insufficient available memory to make allocation polygons.
E_NA_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_TIN -2147201003 Unable to create TIN.
E_NA_SOURCE_NOT_FEATURECLASS -2147201002 One of the network sources is not a feature class.
E_NA_NETWORK_NO_EDGES -2147201001 The network dataset has no edge elements. It may be unbuilt.
E_NA_NO_NETWORK -2147201000 There is no input network.
E_NA_IMPEDANCEATTRIBUTE_NOTTIMEUNITS -2147200999 Time windows can only be used with a time-based impedance attribute.
E_NA_INVALID_TIMEWINDOWS -2147200998 Invalid time window.
E_NA_ISOLATED_STOP -2147200997 The first or last stop is isolated.
E_NA_DISCONNECTED_STOPS -2147200996 The stops are disconnected.
E_NA_INSUFFICIENT_CARDINALITY -2147200995 Insufficient number of valid locations.
E_NA_NO_SOLVERSETTINGS -2147200994 No solver settings were found.
E_NA_INVALID_NUMTRANSITIONS -2147200993 No number of transitions solver settings found.
E_NA_INVALID_MAXVALUEFORHIERARCHY -2147200992 No max hierarchy value solver settings found.
E_NA_CANNOT_BIND_TO_DATASET -2147200991 Cannot bind to the network dataset.
E_NA_INVALID_FIELDVALUE -2147200990 Invalid field value found.
E_NA_INVALID_CONTEXT -2147200989 Invalid network analysis context.
E_NA_NON_SOLVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE -2147200988 Not a solver configuration file.
E_NA_SOLVER_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PARSE_ERROR -2147200987 Invalid configuration file.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_ROUTE -2147200986 NA Result is absent or dirty.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_NETWORK -2147200985 Failed to access network, its attributes, or sources.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_SETUP -2147200984 Directions setup in the network is incorrect.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_CONFIG -2147200983 Directions configuration files are corrupted.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_XLS -2147200982 Directions stylesheet is corrupted.
E_NA_NO_PATH_FIRSTTOLAST -2147200981 No route from first stop to last stop.
E_NA_INVALID_NALOCATION -2147200980 Invalid NALocation.
E_NA_NETWORK_HAS_NO_COST_ATTRIBUTE -2147200979 The network dataset has no cost attribute. Solvers can only operate on network datasets with at least one cost attribtue.
E_NA_UNABLE_TO_CHANGE_VARIANT_TYPE -2147200978 Unable to change the input variant's type to the type required by the NA Solver.
E_NA_INVALID_SABREAKS -2147200977 Empty or null breaks for service area solver. The solver needs at least one non zero break.
E_NA_INSUFFICIENT_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY_FOR_ROUTE_SHAPE -2147200976 There is insufficient available contiguous memory to generate the route shape.
E_NA_INVALID_LOADER_GEOMETRY_TYPE -2147200975 The input features must have a point geometry type.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_TIME_WINDOW_MIXED_DATES -2147200974 Some stops have time windows without dates while others have dates.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_START_TIME_NO_DATE -2147200973 Route does not have a start date but some stop has a time window with dates.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_INVALID_ROUTES -2147200972 No valid input for any route.
E_NA_NO_SOLUTION -2147200971 No solution found.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_SEQUENCE_INVALID -2147200970 Invalid stop Sequence value(s).
E_NA_HIERARCHY_SETTINGS_INVALID -2147200969 General error in hierarchy settings.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_COUNT_NEGATIVE -2147200968 Negative hierarchy level count.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_COUNT_ZERO -2147200967 Cannot use hierarchy when the hierarchy level count is zero.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NONPOSITIVE -2147200966 Hierarchy level must be greater than zero.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_LEVEL_LARGE -2147200965 Max value or num transition is meaningless for a hierarchy level greater than or equal to the hierarchy level count.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_MAX_VALUE_NONPOSITIVE -2147200964 Max value is less than one.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_NUM_TRANSITIONS_NONPOSITIVE -2147200963 Num transitions is less than one.
E_NA_HIERARCHY_MAX_VALUE_NONASCENDING -2147200962 Max values for hierarchy levels are non-ascending.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_START_TIME_NEGATIVE -2147200961 Route start time is before Jan. 1, 1901.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_INVALID_FIRST_STOP -2147200960 Cannot preserve first stop since it is invalid.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_INVALID_LAST_STOP -2147200959 Cannot preserve last stop since it is invalid.
E_NA_NETWORK_NO_EDGE_SOURCES -2147200958 The network dataset does not have any line feature classes. Add a line feature class and build the network dataset before performing analysis.
E_NA_CLOSEST_FACILITY_SOLVER_PARTIAL_OUTPUT -2147200957 No facilities found for some incident.
E_NA_OD_COST_MATRIX_SOLVER_PARTIAL_OUTPUT -2147200956 No destinations found for some origin.
E_NA_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETER -2147200955 Invalid attribute or parameter specified.
E_NA_NULL_NACONTEXT -2147200954 Input network analysis context specified is null.
E_NA_NULL_GPMESSAGES -2147200953 Input geoprocessing messsages specified is null.
E_NA_NULL_ISPARTIALSOLUTION -2147200952 Input isPartialSolution flag specified is null.
E_NA_NACONTEXT_NULL_NETWORKDATASET -2147200951 Network dataset retrieved from network analysis context is null.
E_NA_NACONTEXT_NULL_DENETWORKDATASET -2147200950 Network dataset data element retrieved from network analysis context is null.
E_NA_INVALID_NACLASSCANDIDATEFIELDMAPS -2147200949 Could not access NAClassCandidateFieldMaps.
E_NA_INVALID_NACANDIDATEFIELDMAPS -2147200948 Could not access NACandidateFieldMaps.
E_NA_INVALID_PROPERTYSET_VARIANTTYPE -2147200947 Cannot map variant type to field type.
E_NA_NACONTEXT_MISSING_NACLASS -2147200946 NAContext is missing required NAClass.
E_NA_NULL_MAPDESCRIPTION -2147200945 Input MapDescription is NULL and default MapDescription could not be created.
E_NA_CANNOT_ACCESS_MAPSERVER -2147200944 Could not access the MapServer object.
E_NA_CANNOT_ACCESS_NASERVER -2147200943 Could not access the NAServer object.
E_NA_INVALID_MAPEXTENT -2147200942 Map extent specified to export map image is empty.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_START_TIME_LARGE -2147200941 Route start time is after Dec. 31, 9999.
E_NA_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION -2147200940 Unexpected exception.
E_NA_NASERVER_INVALID_INPUT -2147200939 Invalid input to NAServer.
E_NA_NASERVER_STALE_TOKEN -2147200938 Layer token passed to NAServer is stale.
E_NA_NASERVER_NO_NALAYER_IN_MAP -2147200937 There is no network analysis layer in the map.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_SOURCE -2147200923 No directions setup for the source.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_NAMES -2147200922 No name fields specified in the directions setup for the source.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_INVALID_NAME -2147200921 Invalid name setup in the directions for the source.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_SHIELDS -2147200920 No shield info specified in the directions setup for the source.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_LENGTH_ATTR -2147200919 No length attibute in the directions setup.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_TIME_ATTR -2147200918 No time attibute in the directions setup.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_NO_ROADCLASS_ATTR -2147200917 No road class attibute in the directions setup.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_SETUP_INVALID_ROADCLASS -2147200916 Invalid road class.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_TIME_ATTR -2147200915 Invalid time attribute.
E_NA_INVALID_LINE_TYPE -2147200914 Invalid output line type.
E_NA_DOES_NOT_USE_HIERARCY -2147200913 The solver does not use hierarchy.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_LENGTH_UNITS -2147200912 Invalid directions length units.
E_NA_NO_SA_OUTPUT -2147200911 Invalid service area settings, solver must output polygons, lines or both polygons and lines.
E_NA_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_PARAMETER_VALUE -2147200910 The Attribute Parameter value is invalid.
E_NA_INCORRECT_SOLVER_CONTEXT -2147200909 Unable to perform the requested operation on the solver because the input network context was created by a different solver instance.
E_NA_OD_COST_MATRIX_SOLVER_RESULT_LINES_BOTH -2147200908 Unable to Solve because both result object and ODLines population are selected.
E_NA_OD_COST_MATRIX_SOLVER_RESULT_LINES_NONE -2147200907 Unable to Solve because neither result object nor ODLines population is selected.
S_NA_VRP_SOLVER_PARTIAL_SOLUTION 282625 Some orders could not be routed due to violated constraints.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_ATTRIBUTE_UNITS_NOT_TIME -2147200823 Input attribute units are not time-based.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_ATTRIBUTE_UNITS_NOT_DISTANCE -2147200822 Input attribute units are not distance-based.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_IMPEDANCE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_TIME -2147200821 Impedance attribute is not time-based.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_ACCUMULATE_ATTRIBUTES_TOO_MANY -2147200820 The VRP solver supports only one accumulate attribute.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_ACCUMULATE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DISTANCE -2147200819 Accumulate attribute is not distance-based.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_DEFAULT_DATE_SMALL -2147200818 DefaultDate value is before Jan. 1, 1900.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_DEFAULT_DATE_LARGE -2147200817 DefaultDate value is after Dec. 31, 9999.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_CAPACITY_COUNT_NONPOSITIVE -2147200816 Capacity count must be positive.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_OUTPUT_LINES_INVALID -2147200815 Only no-line shape or straight-line shape can be used with an external OD cost matrix.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_INVALID_INPUT -2147200814 Invalid input in the NA classes.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_INSUFFICIENT_INPUT -2147200813 Insufficient valid input in the NA classes.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_INTERNAL_OD_ERROR -2147200812 Failure while working with internal OD cost matrix problem instance.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_ENGINE_ERROR -2147200811 Failure in internal VRP engine.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_MATRIX_NONE -2147200810 No OD cost matrix is specified.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_MATRIX_BOTH -2147200809 Both internal and external OD cost matrices are specified.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_TIME_WINDOW_VIOLATION_PENALTY_FACTOR_NEGATIVE -2147200808 Penalty factor for time window violations must be zero or positive.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_TIME_WINDOW_VIOLATION_PENALTY_FACTOR_LARGE -2147200807 Penalty factor for time window violations cannot be greater than one billion.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EMPTY_INFEASIBLE_ROUTES -2147200806 Constraint violations detected on routes in their empty state.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_PREASSIGNED_INFEASIBLE_ROUTES -2147200805 Constraint violations detected while loading pre-assigned orders, breaks and route renewals.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_IGNORE_INVALID_LOCATIONS_UNSUPPORTED -2147200804 The VRP solver does not support the IgnoreInvalidLocations property.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXCESS_TRANSIT_TIME_PENALTY_FACTOR_NEGATIVE -2147200802 Penalty factor for excess transit time must be zero or positive.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXCESS_TRANSIT_TIME_PENALTY_FACTOR_LARGE -2147200801 Penalty factor for excess transit time cannot be greater than one billion.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXTERNAL_MATRIX_ORIGINS_DESTINATIONS_NOT_IDENTICAL -2147200796 The external OD cost matrix does not have identical sets of origins and destinations.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_INTERNAL_ROUTE_ERROR -2147200795 Failure while working with internal route problem instance.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_NO_SOLUTION -2147200794 No orders routed.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_GENERATE_INTERNAL_ROUTE_CONTEXT_INVALID -2147200793 Cannot generate internal route context with an external OD cost matrix.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_NO_TIME_COST_ATTRIBUTE -2147200792 The VRP solver requires a cost attribute with time units to be present on the network dataset.
E_NA_LOCATED_ON_UNLOCATABLE_SORUCE -2147200791 One or more network locations are located on an unlocatable source.
E_NA_LA_ZERO_TRANSFORMATION -2147200790 The Location-Allocation impedance transformation can not be zero.
E_NA_LA_INVALID_TARGET_MARKETSHARE -2147200789 The Location-Allocation target marketshare must be within 100.0 and 0.0.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_INTERNAL_OD_ERROR -2147200788 Failure while working with internal OD cost matrix problem instance.
E_NA_INVALID_POINT_BARRIER_FIELD_COMBINATION -2147200787 Point barriers cannot have the field value combination of Type = "AddedCost" and FullEdge = "True".
E_NA_INVALID_POINT_BARRIER_TYPE -2147200786 Point barriers cannot have a field value of Type = "ScaledCost".
E_NA_INVALID_POLYLINE_POLYGON_BARRIER_TYPE -2147200785 Polyline/polygon barriers cannot have a field value of Type = "AddedCost".
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_HAS_UNASSIGNED_STOPS -2147200784 One or more stops have an invalid "RouteName" field value and have not been assigned to any route.
E_NA_HAS_GAPS_IN_MEASURE -2147200783 Gaps have been detected in the cumulative impedance values of the output. This can occur due to the presence of positive-impedance junctions, turns, or additive point barriers along the output edges. Measures have been disabled for output in this case.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_AMBIGUOUS_TIME_ZONE -2147200782 Route does not have a fixed first stop but the stops are in different time zones.
E_NACONTEXT_INITIALIZED -2147200781 The NAContext has already been initialized.
E_NACONTEXT_NOT_INITIALIZED -2147200780 The NAContext has not been initialized.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_EMPTY_NAME -2147200779 The NAClassDefinition must have a non-empty name.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_NO_FIELDS -2147200778 The NAClassDefinition must have one or more fields.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_MULTIPLE_SHAPE_FIELDS -2147200777 The NAClassDefinition cannot have more than one shape field.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_MULTIPLE_GROUP_SEQUENCE_FIELDS -2147200776 The NAClassDefinition cannot have more than one field of type group or sequence.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_GROUP_AND_SEQUENCE_FIELD -2147200775 The NAClassDefinition cannot have a field of type group and sequence.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_SHAPE_GROUP_SEQUENCE_FIELDS -2147200774 The NAClassDefinition cannot have a shape field of type group or sequence.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_SEQUENCE_FIELDS_VAR_TYPE -2147200773 NAClassDefinition fields of type sequence must store integer values.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_GROUP_FIELDS_VAR_TYPE -2147200772 NAClassDefinition fields of type group must store string or integer values.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_OBJECTCLASS_HAS_SHAPE_FIELD -2147200771 NAClassDefinitions with non-feature ClassCLSID values cannot have a shape field.
E_NACLASSDEFINITION_FEATURECLASS_HAS_NO_SHAPE_FIELD -2147200770 NAClassDefinitions with feature ClassCLSID values must have a shape field.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_LANGUAGE -2147200769 Cannot setup specified language.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_INVALID_STYLE -2147200768 Cannot setup specified style.
E_NA_SCALE_BARRIER_ZERO -2147200767 Barrier is scaling by zero.
E_NA_3D_CONTEXT_BIND_2D_NETWORK -2147200766 Cannot bind layer that references a 3D network dataset to a 2D network dataset.
E_NA_2D_CONTEXT_BIND_3D_NETWORK -2147200765 Cannot bind layer that references a 2D network dataset to a 3D network dataset.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXTERNAL_MATRIX_INCORRECT_NETWORK -2147200764 The external OD cost matrix references the wrong network dataset.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXTERNAL_MATRIX_NO_ATTRIBUTES -2147200763 The external OD cost matrix does not contain any cost attributes.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXTERNAL_MATRIX_NO_IMPEDANCE -2147200762 The external OD cost matrix does not have the impedance attribute.
E_NA_VRP_SOLVER_EXTERNAL_MATRIX_NO_ACCUMULATE -2147200761 The external OD cost matrix does not have the accumulate attribute.
E_NA_EMPTY_NALOCATIONRANGES -2147200760 NALocationRanges are empty.
E_NA_INVALID_GEOMTETRY_TYPE -2147200759 An invalid geometry type was provided.
E_NA_FAILED_TIME_ZONE_CONVERSION -2147200758 Unable to perform conversion between time zones.
E_NA_LOCATION_SOFT_RESTRICTED -2147200757 The flag is located on a soft-restricted network element.
E_NA_HAS_SOFT_RESTRICTED_TRAVERSAL_ELEMENTS -2147200756 Soft-restricted network elements are traversed in the output.
E_NA_SOLVER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SOFT_RESTRICTIONS -2147200755 The solver does not support soft restrictions.
E_NA_NEUTRAL_SOFT_RESTRICTION_PENALTY_FACTOR -2147200754 The soft restriction penalty factor has a neutral value of one. The solver will ignore the restriction attribute.
E_NA_TIME_OF_DAY_SMALL -2147200753 TimeOfDay value is before Jan. 1, 1900.
E_NA_TIME_OF_DAY_LARGE -2147200752 TimeOfDay value is after Dec. 31, 9999.
E_NA_SERVICE_AREA_SOLVER_START_TIME_WITH_TRAVEL_TO -2147200750 The service area solver does not support using the TimeOfDay as a start time when traveling to facilities.
E_NA_SERVICE_AREA_SOLVER_END_TIME_WITH_TRAVEL_FROM -2147200749 The service area solver does not support using the TimeOfDay as an end time when traveling from facilities.
E_NA_SERVICE_AREA_SOLVER_AMBIGUOUS_TIME_ZONE -2147200748 The service area solver does not support facilities in different time zones when generating non-overlapping polygons, merged polygons or non-overlapping lines.
E_OD_COST_MATRIX_SOLVER_AMBIGUOUS_TIME_ZONE -2147200747 The OD cost matrix solver does not support origins in different time zones when using TimeOfDay.
E_OD_COST_MATRIX_SOLVER_END_TIME -2147200746 The OD cost matrix solver does not support using the TimeOfDay as an end time.
E_CLOSEST_FACILITY_SOLVER_AMBIGUOUS_TIME_ZONE -2147200745 The closest facility solver does not support source locations in different time zones when using TimeOfDay.
E_NA_LOCATION_FIELD_NOT_FOUND -2147200744 An expected location field was not found.
E_NA_INVALID_NETWORK_ELEMENT_ID -2147200743 The network element id is invalid.
E_NA_INVALID_NETWORK_EDGE_DIRECTION -2147200742 The network edge direction is invalid.
E_NA_INVALID_POSITION_RANGE -2147200741 The range of positions is invalid for this operation.
E_NA_INVALID_BARRIER_NETWORK_ELEMENT_REFERENCE -2147200740 The barrier references an invalid network element id.
E_NA_NOT_BOUND_TO_DATASET -2147200739 Not bound to a network dataset.
E_NA_ZERO_SOFT_RESTRICTION_PENALTY_FACTOR -2147200738 The soft restriction penalty factor has an invalid value of zero.
E_NA_REFRESH_DYNAMIC_TRAFFIC_ERROR -2147200737 An error was encountered during initialization of dynamic traffic data.
E_NA_DIRECTIONS_ATTR_MUST_MATCH_IMPEDANCE_ATTR -2147200736 Directions attribute must match the impedance attribute.
E_NA_INVALID_CHARACTERS_IN_COST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME -2147200735 Invalid characters in cost attribute name of network dataset for use in network analysis.
E_NA_ROUTE_SOLVER_START_TIME_LOCAL_TIME_WINDOWS_UTC -2147200734 Invalid combination of local route start time and UTC time windows for stops.
E_NA_NETWORK_EXPORTER_LARGE_FILE_SECTION -2147200733 Transportation network has a data section that exceeds the 2GB storage limit.
S_NA_ROUTE_INDEX_MESSAGES 282626 Route index warning messages.
S_NA_PERFORMANCE_MESSAGES 30210 Performance messages.
S_NA_DIAGNOSTICS_MESSAGES 30211 Diagnostics messages.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.