A Value object is returned from GetParameterInfo when used in a script tool's ToolValidator class, and from the GetParameter function depending on the parameter type.
Eigenschaft | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
isEmpty (Nur lesen) | Indicates if the value object is empty. | Boolean |
value (Lesen und schreiben) | Provides the value of the value object. | String |
Value example
UpdateParameter populates a value list for the second parameter based on the attribute names of NetCDF file.
def updateParameters(self):
"""Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal
validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter
has been changed."""
# If the parameter has been altered, but not validated
if self.params[0].altered and not self.params[0].hasBeenValidated:
# Create a NetCDFFIleProperties object based on the input and
# use it to populate the value list of the sceond parameter.
net_cdf = arcpy.NetCDFFileProperties(self.params[0].value.value)
att_names = net_cdf.getAttributeNames()
self.params[1].filter.list = att_names
self.params[1].value = att_names[0]