The AviationChartInfo object provides access to properties of the product library area of interest (AOI). This object is returned from the GetAviationAOI function. It is an object that contains the information for the map ID, reference scale, spatial reference, rotation angle, geometry, and extraction query properties.
The object is produced by running the GetAviationAOI function and is used by other tools. Once this information is retrieved by other tools, you can view specific details about an AOI feature, such as the map ID, reference scale, rotation angle, geometry, and extraction query. For instance, you can view the spatial reference and rotation angles for all the AOIs in the product library to ensure they are all consistent across products.
AviationChartInfo (product_library, map_id)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
product_library | The path to a connection file or the database used as the product library workspace. | String |
map_id | The path to the area of interest in the product library. The path information is formatted as Solution Name::Product Class Name::Series Name::Product Name::Instance Name::AOI Name. | String |
Eigenschaft | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
extractionQuery (Nur lesen) | Returns the SQL statement where clause that allows you to determine which features are extracted into areas of interest that are going to be included in your products. | Dictionary |
spatialReference (Nur lesen) | Returns the spatial reference of the AOI's primary coordinate system. | SpatialReference |
aoiGeometry (Nur lesen) | Returns the geometry that represents the area of the map. | Geometry |
geographicExtent (Lesen und schreiben) | Returns a True or False Boolean that states whether the AOI is using the geographic extent. | Boolean |
mapid (Lesen und schreiben) | Returns the path to the area of interest in the product library. The path information is formatted as Solution Name::Product Class Name::Series Name::Product Name::Instance Name::AOI Name. | String |
rotationAngle (Lesen und schreiben) | Returns the value of the angle of rotation for the AOI. | Double |
referenceScale (Lesen und schreiben) | Returns the denominator of the scale fraction corresponding to the intended display scale of input data. | Double |
AviationChartInfo example
This sample retrieves information about a map's AOI and prints it.
# Name: AviationChartInfoSample.py
# Description: Retrieves information about a map's AOI and prints it
# Author: Esri
# Date: March 2015
# Import arcpyproduction and aviation modules
import arcpy
import arcpyproduction
# Check out Aviation license
# Set variables
product_library = "c:/data/FAA_PL.sde"
map_id = "Aeronautical::IFR_Enroute::AK High::AK H-2::AK H-2::AK H-2 AOI"
# Get map IDs
aoi = arcpyproduction.aviation.charting.AviationChartInfo(product_library,map_id)
# Print map ID, reference scale, and rotation angle
print("MapId: {}\n Reference Scale: {}\n Rotation Angle: {}\n".format(aoi.mapid, aoi.referenceScale, aoi.rotationAngle))
# Check in Aviation license