When maintaining a paper chart product, there are times you may need to add a new panel (instance) to the layout to show a particular area in more detail. To do this, you need to add a new panel and area of interest (AOI) to your existing chart product. The Add Chart Panel wizard allows you to define the new panel and AOIs that will be part of your chart product. For example, if you have a product called Chart A, which consists of the Main Panel and Inset A, and you need to add Inset B, the Add Chart Panel wizard will guide you through the process of creating the panel and AOI for the new Inset B.
The Add Chart Panel wizard performs two main tasks for the new panel:
- Select the AOI extent from the AOI feature class in the product class.
- Define the metadata information.
Accessing the wizard
The Add Chart Panel wizard is available when you right-click a product in the Product Library window.
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
- Navigate to the product for which you want to create a new instance.
- Right-click the product and click Add Chart Panel.
The Add Chart Panel wizard appears.
Selecting the AOI
You need to select the AOI for the new panel from the pre-populated AOI feature class before opening the Add Chart Panel wizard. You can select, unselect, identify, zoom in, zoom out, and pan. If you need to unselect individual features, you can use the Identify tool's context menu.
- Click the Zoom Inbutton and drag a box around the area where your AOI features are located.
- Click Select and choose one AOI feature.
- Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
Defining metadata values for the instance
When defining the metadata for the new panel, you need to input its new compilation scale value. This value is used to build a query that extracts data from the NIS database and adds it to the new panel's production database.
If you have areas within the new panel's AOI extent where the data was captured at a different scale, you can add additional queries using the Advanced option available on the Panel Metadata area. For example, if the new panel's scale value is 15000, but within the new panel's AOI extent data was collected at a scale value of 5000, you would need to use the Advanced option to capture the data compiled at the 5000 scale.
- Click the cell next to Panel Title and type the name.
- Click the cell next to Panel Number and type the number.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Panel Type and choose a category.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Vertical Datum and choose a vertical datum.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Sounding Datum and choose a sounding datum.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Height Units and choose a value.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Depth Units and choose a value.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Positional Units and choose a value.
- Click in the cell next to Panel Scale and type a value for your compilation scale.
- Perform one or more of the following options:
If you support BSB products and you want to add metadata values
Expand Panel BSB Metadata and continue with the next section to add the BSB metadata values.
If your panel contains areas where the data compilation differs from the panel
Continue to the section for differing scale values for differing area features.
If you don't want to add BSB metadata or additional compilation scale values
Click Next.
Defining metadata values for BSB (optional)
There are metadata fields specific to BSB production that are stored at the product level. These include information such as the chart name (CHT/NA), raster edition (CED/RE), and originator (ORG). This information is written to the documentation header file that is generated during the BSB export process.
- Click the cell next to Source Edition and type the source edition number.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Raster Edition and type the raster edition number.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to Edition Date and select the edition date.
- Click the cell next to KAPP Name and type the name.
- Click the cell next to KAPP Number and type the number.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to KAPP Sounding Datum and choose a sounding datum.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Vertical Reference Code and choose a vertical reference code.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Sounding Code and choose a sounding code.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Grid Code and choose a grid code.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Projection Interval and type the interval.
- Klicken Sie auf Weiter.
Defining compilation scale values for differing area features (optional)
If your panel contains areas where the data compilation is different, you need to set their compilation scale values using the Advanced option of the Panel Metadata area.
- Click Advanced.
The Enterprise Setup dialog box appears.
- Click Add.
A row is inserted in the Compilation Scale Ranges area.
- Click the Lower Bound drop-down arrow and choose a value for your largest scale value.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional area values you need to insert.
- Click OK.
The Panel Metadata area appears.
- Click Next to view the Summary area or click Finish if you want to start the instance creation process.
Reviewing the summary
The summary shows you the metadata entries you input before starting the creation process.
- Review the metadata entries.
- If necessary, click Back to go back to the Panel Metadata area and make any corrections.
- Click Finish.
A progress dialog box appears with the status of the creation process.
- Click OK when the process completes.
Once your panel (instance) is created, the product is checked into the product library and you need to check it out to begin working on it.