Imports a Digital Obstacle File (DOF) containing obstacle data pursuant to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specification into an Aeronautical Information System (AIS) geodatabase.
A DOF contains obstruction data for man-made objects that affect domestic aeronautical charting products. The DOF does not purport to indicate the presence of all obstructions that may be encountered. The function adds, deletes, and updates the obstacle features found in the DOF. The function is required to use only the DOF.dat file containing digital obstacle data within all of the FAA regions in addition to some areas of Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and the Pacific.
This function requires an Obstacle point feature class. The function works with the format specified in the entire DOF.dat file.
As of 10.5.1 Patch 7, the ImportDOF function now allows users to customize how the source file is transformed and loaded into the AIS data model.
- DOFConfig.txt contains information regarding the format and column number for obstacle data.
- DOFMapping.json contains information regarding how data will be transformed when obstacle data is loaded into the AIS model.
These files are editable and can be modified per the changes in specification.
ImportDOF (workspace_path, dof_file_path, {log_path})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
workspace_path | The path to the geodatabase where the DOF data will be imported. The geodatabase must already have a point Obstacle feature class. | String |
dof_file_path | The path to the DOF file to be imported into the Obstacle feature class. | String |
log_path | The output log file. | String |
ImportDOF example
This example creates an ImportDOF file.
# Name: ImportDOF_example.py
# Description: Imports Digital Obstacle File(DOF) data into a geodatabase
# Import arcpyproduction and aviation modules
import arcpy
import arcpyproduction
# Check out Aviation license
# Set variables
workspace = r'c:\data\AIS.sde'
dofFile = r'c:\data\DOF.dat'
log = r'c:\data\log.txt'
# Execute ImportDOF
arcpyproduction.aviation.ImportDOF(workspace, dofFile, log)
# Check in Aviation license