Mit der Production Mapping-Lizenz verfügbar.
arcpyproduction.aviation is a Python module that is part of the ArcPyProduction site package installed with Esri Production Mapping. The arcpyproduction.aviation module contains two submodules: arcpyproduction.aviation.airports and arcpyproduction.aviation.charting. It is installed with the Esri Production Mapping desktop product, is available with ArcGIS Desktop Standard, and requires ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports or ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting to access the functions.
The arcpyproduction.aviation.airports module allows you to access the GenerateOISProfileJSON function.
Airports functions
Function | Description |
Generates a JSON string that represents the RunwayCenterline, OIS, obstacles, and elevation along the profile of the approach surface, storing the result in an existing OIS Multipatch layer. |