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arcpyproduction.aviation is a Python module that is part of the ArcPyProduction site package installed with Esri Production Mapping. The arcpyproduction.aviation module contains two submodules: arcpyproduction.aviation and arcpyproduction.aviation.charting. It is installed with the Production Mapping desktop product, is available with ArcGIS Desktop Standard, and requires ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting to access the functions.
The Charting module allows you to access key data editing functions that ensure data currency in aeronautical charts.
Charting functions
Function | Description |
Analyzes all the areas of interest maintained in the aviation production database and creates, modifies, and deletes cartographic copies of features. | |
Finds changes made to individual feature classes or an entire geodatabase between specified dates or between different versions based on a precreated preference. The changes that can be found include feature inserts, updates, and deletes. | |
Associates vertical (flight level) information from an airspace to two-dimensional features. Labeling these features with vertical information allows the display of three-dimensional information on a two-dimensional chart. | |
Generates line data from airspace features. You use this data to generate symbology and labels for both sides of the line features. | |
Creates annotation for features on specific charts if it does not already exist. If the annotation feature class exists, the features are appended to the existing feature class. | |
Creates geometry for derived features. | |
Creates a checksum value from a list of values determined by an organization or specification requirements. | |
Retrieves the map ID, reference scale, rotation angle, geometry, and extraction query information for an area of interest (AOI) feature. | |
Returns the unqualified name of the dataset sourced to the given input layer. | |
Updates annotation for features on specific charts. The features are updated in the existing feature class. | |
Updates the terminal elements in the chart to reflect changes in the data. |
Charting classes
Class | Description |
The AviationChartInfo object provides access to properties of the product library area of interest (AOI). This object is returned from the GetAviationAOI function. It is an object that contains the information for the map ID, reference scale, spatial reference, rotation angle, geometry, and extraction query properties. |