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The Fields tab indicates what fields contain the information needed to geocode a record. Based on their names, Address Coder will attempt to assign them to the proper fields. If you are processing a fixed field file, a Fields button appears that will allow you to indicate how to parse the record. For Excel and delimited files, a check box appears indicating whether or not there is a header record.
If a Volumetric field is specified, the field must contain numeric data. Each record will be weighted by this data on Tapestry Profile reports.

Fixed Field
When processing a fixed field file, it is necessary to define the width of every field in the file. Initially, Address Coder will show one field having the full width of the record. You will need to add sufficient column definitions for every field in your file, then adjust their widths. The lower box shows you how the current definitions are breaking up the record.
To add a new column definition, simply enter the name and width and click Add New and it will be added to the list on the left. To make changes, select an item on the left, make the needed adjustments in the Name and Width text boxes, then click Replace.