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Esri's Tapestry segmentation system provides a robust and powerful portrait of the U.S. consumer markets divided into 68 segments. To provide a broader view of these 68 segments, Esri combined them into 14 LifeMode groups, based on lifestyle and lifestage composition. For instance, Group L1, Affluent Estates, consists of the five most affluent segments, whereas Group L9, Senior Styles, includes the six segments with a high presence of seniors.
Code | Name |
L1 | Affluent Estates |
L2 | Upscale Avenues |
L3 | Uptown Individuals |
L4 | family Landscapes |
L5 | GenXurban |
L6 | Cozy Country Living |
L7 | Sprouting Explorers |
L8 | Middle Ground |
L9 | Senior Styles |
L10 | Rustic Outposts |
L11 | Midtown Singles |
L12 | Hometown |
L13 | Next Wave |
L14 | Scholars and Patriots |
Tapestry's 68 segments are also organized into 6 Urbanization groups to highlight another dimension of these markets. These 6 groups are based on geographic and physical features, such as population density, size of city, location in or out of a metropolitan area, and whether or not it is part of the economic and social center of a metropolitan area. For example, U1, Principal Urban Centers, includes eight segments that are mainly in densely settled cities within a major metropolitan area.
Code | Name |
U1 | Principal Urban Centers |
U2 | Urban Periphery |
U3 | Metro Cities |
U4 | Suburban Periphery |
U5 | Semirural |
U6 | Rural |
Segments will usually give users more differentiating power than groups. However, if the user wants to analyze a smaller number of markets, groups would be appropriate. Choosing between the two ways of grouping the segments depends on the application. For certain products or services, Urbanization groups may more effectively distinguish the consumption pattern than LifeMode groups; for example, going to the movies. But for certain lifestyle or lifestage-related behavior, such as domestic travel, grouping by LifeMode would be more effective.
Users can also define their own groups to capture the dynamics of Tapestry segmentation for specific applications. This can be accomplished, for example, by grouping the 68 segments based on their rank order on the consumption rate from customer profiles and consumer surveys.