In ArcGIS Maritime, S-57 M_COVR features are generated from the product library area of interest (AOI) by running the Export Geodatabase to S-57 tool. Because M_COVR features are generated from the geometry of the product library AOI, it is important to use them as a reference when editing the NIS, so that features can be snapped to the AOI edge.
So that the editing experience can be simplified, and topological coincidence between the product library AOI and the NIS data can be maintained, it is recommended that the product library AOI feature be simplified by removing any unnecessary vertices, leaving only those vertices required to maintain the AOI shape.
The following image is an example of product library AOI vertices along the boundary it shares with DEPCNT, LNDARE, and DEPARE from the NIS.

As new surveys are applied, and the locations of DEPARE, DEPCNT, COALNE, and LNDARE change, the editor must be aware of the product library AOI vertices to snap to them. This over complicates editing.
The following image shows the same product library AOI edge but without vertices along the straight line, after the unnecessary vertices were removed.

The following workflow guides you through the process of simplifying a product library AOI:
- Starten Sie ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
- Open the Catalog window.
- Browse to the product library of choice.
- Connect and add the product library AOI that you want to simplify.
- Click the Production Start Editing button
on the Production Editing toolbar to begin editing.
This starts the edit session.
- Click the Edit button
on the Production Editing toolbar.
This selects the AOI.
- After selecting the AOI, double-click the selection.
The Edit Vertices toolbar appears.
- Click the Delete Vertex button
- Click the MXD and drag a box around the vertices you want to delete.
- Repeat step 10 until all unnecessary vertices have been removed. Thus, only those required to maintain the intended shape of the AOI remain.
- Click the Save Edits button
on the Production Editing toolbar to save your changes.