Mit der Production Mapping-Lizenz verfügbar.
Solutions have several metadata fields that contain values from all the properties for each level of the solution, product class, product, instance, and area of interest. When you are viewing the fields, you can group them according to the different column headings.
The metadata fields for the solutions are divided according to the product library component with which they correspond. Fields that are unique to a particular component of the product library are in bold print.
- Solution.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to the solution
- Solution.LAST_MOD—The date on which the solution was last modified
- Solution.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last modified the solution
- Solution.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the solution was created
- Solution.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the solution
- Solution.Name—The name of the solution
- Solution.Alias—The name of the solution or an abbreviated version of it
- Solution.Description—A textual description of the solution
- Solution.Official—Indicates whether or not the solution can be distributed to outside parties and can be edited by users
- Solution.Active—Indicates whether or not the solution is supported by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users
- UsesNetworkStorage—Indicates whether or not files are stored in the product library or on the file system
- FileStoragePath—The path to the directory where files are being stored if UsesNetworkStorage is set to True
Product class
- Class.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to the product class
- Class.LAST_MOD—The date on which the product class was last modified
- Class.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last modified the product class
- Class.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the product class was created
- Class.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the product class
- Class.Name—The name of the product class
- Class.Alias—The name of the product class or an abbreviated version of it
- Class.Description—A textual description of the product class
- Class.Official—Indicates whether or not the product class can be distributed to outside parties and can be edited by users
- Class.Active—Indicates whether or not the product class is supported by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users
- GeographicExtent—Indicates whether or not the shape of the extent is significant in determining its inclusion on charts in the product class
- UseRelationalQuery—Indicates whether or not a relational query can be used when queries are defined at or below the product class, for example, extraction queries
- Series.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to the series
- Series.LAST_MOD—The date on which the map series was last modified
- Series.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last edited the map series
- Series.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the map series was created
- Series.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the series
- Series.Name—The name of the map series
- Series.Alias—The name of the map series or an abbreviated version of it
- Series.Description—A textual description of the map series
- Series.Official—Indicates whether or not the map series can be distributed to outside parties and can be edited by users
- Series.Active—Indicates whether or not the map series is supported by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users
- Product.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to a map document
- Product.LAST_MOD—The date on which a map document was last modified
- Product.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last modified the map document
- Product.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the map document was created
- Product.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the map document
- Product.Name—The name of the map document
- Product.Alias—The name of the map document or an abbreviated version of it
- Product.Description—A textual description of the map document
- Product.Official—Indicates whether or not the map document can be distributed to outside parties and can be edited by users
- Product.Active—Indicates whether or not the map document is still supported by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users
- ProductCode—The product code for the map document
- Barcode—The bar code number associated with the map document
- ReferenceCode—A reference code for the map document
- Instance.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to the data frame
- Instance.LAST_MOD—The date on which the data frame was last modified
- Instance.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last modified the data frame
- Instance.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the data frame was created
- Instance.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the data frame
- Instance.Name—The name of the data frame
- Instance.Alias—The name of the data frame or an abbreviated version of it
- Instance.Description—A textual description of the data frame
- Instance.Official—Indicates whether or not the data frame on the map document can be distributed to outside parties or edited by users (This is inherited from the map document.)
- Instance.Active—Indicates whether or not the data frame is still supported as part of a map document by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users (This is inherited from the map document.)
- RotationAngle—The angle at which the data frame is rotated
Area of interest
- AOI.OBJECTID—A number that has been automatically assigned to the area of interest
- AOI.LAST_MOD—The date on which the area of interest was last modified
- AOI.EDITOR—The user name of the person who last modified the area of interest
- AOI.CREATION_DATE—The date on which the area of interest was created
- AOI.CREATOR—The user name of the person who created the area of interest
- AOI.Name—The name of the area of interest
- AOI.Alias—The name of the area of interest or an abbreviated version of it
- AOI.Description—A textual description of the area of interest
- AOI.Official—Indicates whether or not the area of interest can be distributed to outside parties and can be edited by users
- AOI.Active—Indicates whether or not the area of interest is supported by your organization and can be viewed and opened by users
- Verified—Indicates whether or not the area of interest has been validated
- UseData—Indicates whether or not the area of interest is based on a feature
- MapScale—The scale at which the area of interest is displayed in the map
- ReferenceScale—The scale at which the area of interest appears in its true size
- CompilationScale—The scale at which the feature for the area of interest was originally collected
- Shape_Length—The length of the area of interest based on the coordinate system you are using
- Shape_Area—The area of the area of interest based on the coordinate system you are using