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Step types are the building blocks of your workflows. They provide basic information as to what happens when the step is executed and how it is represented. When a step type is added to a workflow, it becomes a step but still references all the properties of the original step type. Multiple occurrences of a step type can appear in a single workflow.
Step types have the following components:
- Profile—Contains basic information about the step type
- Description—An optional setting that allows you to configure additional information about what the step will do or what the user should do to complete the step
- Execution—Defines the step behavior of the individual steps when executed in a workflow
Execution types
The following step execution types are available:
Type | Description |
Procedural | Manual step with no managed execution |
Custom step object | Calls a custom class implementing IJTXCustomStep |
Open File | Opens a file from the workflow |
Executable | Starts an executable |
Launch URL | Opens a URL |
Ask Question | Asks the user a question with configurable answers |
Building step types
The following subsections explain how to build a step type.
Defining basic step type properties
With the basic step properties, you provide descriptive information for the steps that comprise your Workflow Manager (Classic) system.
- Open the Workflow Manager Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
- In the Administrator, browse to the Step Types folder under Job Components.
The list contains all the currently configured step types. If no step types are configured, the list will be blank.
- Right-click the folder and click Add Step Type or choose an existing step and click Edit Item.
The Step Type Properties dialog box appears.
- Provide a name and description for the step type.
- Choose the indicator for the step.
This setting defines the shape of the step in the workflow.
- If the user needs to interact only with the logic of the step, check the Hide WMX While Running check box. This setting is most useful when the step will open another application with which the user will interact with, such as ArcMap.
If it's fully automated, don't check the box.
Configuring step descriptions
Step descriptions allow you to provide specific information about the step that will be shown to your users in the Workflow Manager (Classic) client application.
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Description tab.
- Choose one of the following options to add a step description:
- URL Link—Choose this option if all Workflow Manager (Classic) users have access to the link. This can be a link to a web page or an .html document you've authored.
- Embedded HTML—Choose this option to provide simple text or HTML formatted text that will be available to all users, regardless of how they access the Workflow Manager (Classic) system.
Use step descriptions to provide detailed information about the step to the user.
Configuring custom object step execution
The Execution tab allows you to configure the behavior of the individual steps when they're executed in a workflow.
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Execution tab.
- Click the Custom Step Object execution type button.
- Click the CLSID/ProgID browse button and choose the step to use.
Choose what should happen when the user executes or reaches this step in the workflow. - Click OK to close the Browse for Custom Steps dialog box.
- Click List Expected Arguments to see a list of required and optional arguments for the custom step you chose.
- Provide any required arguments.
- Provide any optional arguments.
- Click Validate Arguments to ensure that the arguments you provided are valid.
- Choose the supported platform.
- Click OK to save changes to the step type and close the Step Type Properties dialog box.
Configuring open file execution
The Execution tab also allows you to open a file through a Workflow Manager (Classic) step.
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Execution tab.
- Click the Open File execution type button.
- Click the File Path browse button.
- Browse to the file that you want Workflow Manager (Classic) to open during the execution of this step.
- Click Open to associate the file with this step.
- Click the Supported Platform drop-down arrow and choose the supported platform for the step.
The Open File execution type works on both the desktop and the server.
- Click OK to save the step type and close the dialog box.
Configuring executable execution
The Execution tab also allows you to run an executable through a Workflow Manager (Classic) step.
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Execution tab.
- Click the Executable execution type button.
- Browse to the location of the executable you want this step to execute.
- Provide any arguments for the executable.
- Click the Supported Platform drop-down arrow and choose the supported platform type.
- Click OK to save the step type and close the dialog box.
Configuring launch URL execution
This option allows you to open a web browser with a specified URL through a Workflow Manager (Classic) step. This step can be configured with a web map or web editing application URL and the [JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE] token to zoom to the location of interest of the job on the map after it's opened. Append the extent=[JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE] to the web map URL, and prefix the parameter with ? if the extent is the first parameter in the URL, or prefix with &, for example,[JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE].
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Execution tab.
- Click the Launch URL execution type button.
- Provide the path that you want to launch when Workflow Manager (Classic) executes this step.
- Click the Supported Platform drop-down arrow and choose the supported platform.
The Launch URL execution type works on both the desktop and the server.
- Click OK to save the step type and close the dialog box.
Configuring ask question execution
The Execution tab also allows you to define steps that ask your users questions when executed in the Workflow Manager (Classic) step.
- On the Step Type Properties dialog box, click the Execution tab.
- Click the Ask Question execution type button.
- Click the Question browse button.
The Question Editor dialog box appears.
- Provide the question to be asked.
- Provide a title for the dialog box that will appear to the user when the step is run.
- Provide the possible responses in the text box on the left.
- Click Add to add them to the options or press Enter as a shortcut and add another response right away.
- Check the Include Note Field check box to allow users to provide feedback.
The user is presented with a text box to provide the reason for their selection. The value entered is appended to the job history as a comment.
- Click OK when you're finished.
- Click the Supported Platform drop-down arrow and choose the supported platform for the step.
The Ask Question execution type works on both the desktop and the server.
- Click OK to save the step type and close the dialog box.

Cloning step types
The step types in your Workflow Manager (Classic) repository can be reused. You can make a copy by cloning the step type along with all the defined properties.
- Open the Workflow Manager Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
- In the Administrator, browse to the Step Types folder under Job Components.
The list contains all the currently configured step types.
- Choose a step, right-click, and click Clone Step Type.
A copy of the step type is added to the list of existing step types.