Unzips and imports compressed Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) 1-degree-by-1-degree cell packages (*.zip) into a target geodatabase.
This tool recursively searches the Root Folder for ZIP files. ZIP files must contain an MGCP cell package that includes one or more shapefiles and a metadata file.
If no shapefiles are found in the unzipped archive, this tool will continue execution.
This tool uses other ArcGIS Defense Mapping and ArcGIS Production Mapping tools. You must check out a Production Mapping (foundation) license to use this tool.
Target Geodatabase must be an MGCP geodatabase and have an MGCP_Metadata feature dataset. The feature dataset must contain a Cell feature class.
arcpy.defense.UnzipCellAndImport(Root_Folder, Target_Geodatabase)
Parameter | Erklärung | Datentyp |
Root_Folder | The root folder that contains one or more compressed shapefile cell packages in a .zip file. | Folder |
Target_Geodatabase | The geodatabase where the unzipped shapefiles will be imported. | Workspace |
Abgeleitete Ausgabe
Name | Erklärung | Datentyp |
Output_Geodatabase | The database where shape files from Root_Folder have been loaded. | Workspace |
UnzipCellAndImport example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the UnzipCellAndImport tool.
# Name: UnzipCellAndImport_Example.py
# Description: Unzips an MGCP Cell package and loads into MGCP geodatabase
# Requirements: ArcGIS Defense Mapping, ArcGIS Production Mapping
import arcpy
# check out a defense and production mapping license
# folder that contains MGCP cell packages (ZIPs)
# execute the tool
# check in defense and production mapping licenses
- Basic: Nein
- Standard: Erfordert Production Mapping and Defense Mapping
- Advanced: Erfordert Production Mapping and Defense Mapping