The Functionality and ArcReader tabs on the Publisher Settings dialog box allow you to determine which functions will be available in ArcReader or a custom ArcReader application.
You can check or uncheck the boxes next to each function to determine whether they will be available in ArcReader. The commands are not removed from the ArcReader interface; however, they will be unavailable. The disabled functionality is listed on the ArcReader Map Properties dialog box.
- Click the Publisher menu and click Settings.
- Click the Functionality tab.
- Uncheck the commands and tools in the list that should be disabled in ArcReader, then click OK.
- When the map is opened, a message will appear stating that some functionality has been disabled. To suppress this message, uncheck the Display disabled functionality message when this map is opened in ArcReader. Although the message will not appear, ArcReader users can still see the available functionality on the ArcReader Map Properties dialog box.
- Click the Publisher menu and click Publish Map.
Embedding an ArcReader template
(Enter the related topics here, add a hyphen [-] before each topic, then tag the whole field in Related Topics format. Do not add any related topics if the topic only displays in the secondary window.)
ArcReader template settings can be used to control and enhance the ArcReader user's experience. You can use the ArcReader template settings to control the behavior of ArcReader, ArcReaderControl, and ArcReaderGlobeControl applications. By embedding the setting in the published map, you can fine-tune the experience for users of the map.
The ArcReader tab on the Publisher Settings dialog box allows you to load an existing ArcReader template file. The template settings will be written into the published map. When ArcReader opens the map, it will honor the settings stored in the published map and will not use the template file settings stored in the user's Application Data\ESRI\ArcReader\ file.
The embedded settings are only valid for the current ArcReader session and will not persist in the user's local file. When a map with embedded settings is opened in ArcReader, any settings that can be set in ArcReader will be disabled. An ArcReader user cannot change the ArcReader settings that are defined in the published map.
The following is a table of settings that can be embedded along with descriptions and default values.
ArcReader general settings
Setting | Description | Value | Type |
Application Title | Use this to set the application title on the ArcReader title bar. | <Null> | String |
HTMLBottom | The display screen position for the bottom of the simple Internet browser window. This setting is only applicable for the simple Internet browser. To use the simple Internet browser, set Use Simple Internet Browser to True. | 600 | Display Pixels |
HTMLLeft | The display screen position for the left side of the simple Internet browser window. This setting is only applicable for the simple Internet browser. To use the simple Internet browser, set Use Simple Internet Browser to True. | 100 | Display Pixels |
HTMLRight | The display screen position for the right side of the simple Internet browser window. This setting is only applicable for the simple Internet browser. To use the simple Internet browser, set Use Simple Internet Browser to True. | 800 | Display Pixels |
HTMLTop | The display screen position for the top of the simple Internet browser window. This setting is only applicable for the simple Internet browser. To use the simple Internet browser, set Use Simple Internet Browser to True. | 100 | Display Pixels |
Use Simple Internet Browser | Set to True to use the simple Internet browser. If False, the user-defined Internet browser will be used. The simple Internet browser is used by the Geography Network and Hyperlink tool in ArcReader. | False | Boolean |
MainBottom* | The display screen position for the bottom of the ArcReader application window on startup. | 400 | Display Pixels |
MainLeft* | The display screen position for the left side of the ArcReader application window on startup. | 40 | Display Pixels |
MainRight* | The display screen position for the right side of the ArcReader application window on startup. | 650 | Display Pixels |
MainTop* | The display screen position for the top of the ArcReader application window on startup. | 36 | Display Pixels |
ShowLayoutToolbarInDataView | Use this setting to control whether the layout toolbar is displayed when displaying the map in data view. | True | Boolean |
Show Splash Screen* | Use this setting to control whether an ArcReader startup screen is displayed. Set to True to display a splash screen. | True | Boolean |
Splash Screen Bitmap* | Specify a path to a bitmap to use as an ArcReader splash screen. You must also set Use Custom Bitmap Splash to True. | <null> | String |
Splash Screen Display Time* | The amount of time to show the ArcReader splash screen. | 1500 | Milliseconds |
Splash Screen URL | The location of a file to display as the splash screen. The Windows file association will be used to open the file. | <null> | String |
Use Custom Bitmap Splash | Set to True to use a custom bitmap for the ArcReader splash screen. You must also set the Splash Screen Bitmap. | False | Boolean |
Use Custom HTML Splash | Set to True to use a URL for the ArcReader splash screen. You must also set Use Custom Bitmap splash to False and define the Splash Screen URL. | False | Boolean |
Window State | The ArcReader Application window state. 1—Normal; 2—Maximized; 3—Minimized | 1 | |
Display Hyperlink Symbol | Use to control whether the hyperlink symbol draws when the Hyperlink tool is active. If all features have hyperlinks, it may not be useful to draw hyperlink symbols. | True | Boolean |
Enable Drop Files | Use to control whether a published map can be opened in ArcReader by dragging it from a Windows folder browser and dropping it on the ArcReader application. | True | Boolean |
Hyperlink Cache Size | Set the number of hyperlinks that will be drawn with the hyperlink symbol. Display performance can be improved by drawing an appropriate number of symbols. | 50000 | |
Hyperlink Search Tolerance | Control the size of the detectable hyperlink area for a feature when using the Hyperlink tool. Increasing the number of pixels may make it easier for the user to detect and click a hyperlink. | 4 | Display Pixels |
Hyperlink Tip Delay | Control the amount of time the hyperlink is displayed as opaque in a tool tip. | 1000 | Milliseconds |
Identify Allow Hyperlinks | Set False to deny access to hyperlinks through the Identify tool results window. | True | Boolean |
Identify Raster Viewer | Set False to deny access to the Raster Viewer for identified features with a raster field. | True | Boolean |
Identify Allow Relationship Classes | Use this to control whether relationship classes can be viewed and traversed with the Identify tool. | True | Boolean |
Identify Copy Additional Info | Set to True to include the attributes layer and feature name when copying attributes from the Identify window. | True | Boolean |
Identify Sort Fields | Control the field order display in the Identify results window. Set to True to display in alphabetical order. Set to False to display in data table order. | True | Boolean |
Identify Search Tolerance | Define the search tolerance for the Identify tool. The search tolerance is the number of pixels from the mouse pointer to use when detecting features. | 4 | Display Pixels |
Identify Time Out | Specify the amount of time that the Identify tool should wait for a response from a server. | 300000 | Milliseconds |
Identify Max Per Layer | Specify the maximum number of features to display in the Identify tool results window. | 501 | |
Launch Identify From Find | Control whether the Identify window can be launched from the Find tool's results window. | True | Boolean |
Measure Search Tolerance | Use to set the snapping tolerance for the Measure tool. When holding the CTRL key down, the Measure tool will snap to the nearest feature. | 8 | Display Pixels |
Show Data Message | Use to control whether the inaccessible data warning message appears when a published map with broken layers is opened. | True | Boolean |
Show Data Scroll bars | Use to control whether scroll bars are displayed in data view. Scroll bars can be used to pan the map. | True | Boolean |
Show Functionality Message | Use to control whether the ArcReader functionality warning message is displayed when a map with disabled functionality is opened in ArcReader. | True | Boolean |
Splitter TOC View | Use to control the width of the table of contents. The movable right side of the table of contents is the splitter. The width is measured from the left side of the ArcReader application. | 180 | long |
Time Out Warning | The Time Out Warning message is used to let map users know when a map will be timed out. Set the number of days before the time-out to display the warning. | 5 | Long |
Time Out Suppress Dialog | Turn off the Time-Out Warning message. | False | Boolean |
TOC Focus Map Sync Kind | Use this setting to automatically scroll the active data frame to the top of the table of contents. | True | Boolean |
TOC Width Fixed | Use to set a fixed width for the table of contents. When True, the ArcReader user will not be able to increase or decrease the width of the table of contents. | False | Boolean |
TOC Swatch Height | Set the amount of space to use in the table of contents for displaying symbols. Set the height in display pixels. This setting does not increase or decrease the size of the symbol; it does specify the amount of space to use in the table of contents when displaying the symbol. | 12 | Long |
TOC Swatch Width | Set the amount of space to use in the table of contents for displaying symbols. Set the width in display pixels. This setting does not increase or decrease the size of the symbol; it does specify the amount of space to use in the table of contents when displaying the symbol. | 12 | Long |
Use Transparent Tips | Use this setting to control whether measure tips, MapTips, and hyperlink tips fade to transparent. | True | Boolean |
Visible TOC | Use this to control whether the table of contents is visible in ArcReader. | True | Boolean |
Swipe Single Layer | Set whether the Swipe tool swipes a single layer or the chosen layer and all layers above it. | True | Boolean |
ArcReader 2D settings
Setting | Description | Value | Type |
Default Data Tool | Specify the default tool when opening a map or switching to data view. 0—Page Zoom in; 1—Map Zoom out; 2—Map Pan; 3—Map Identify. | 0 | |
Default Layout Tool | Specify the default tool when opening a map or switching to layout view 0—Map Zoom in; 1—Map Zoom out; 2—Map Pan; 3—Map Identify; 4—Page Zoom in; 5—Page Zoom out; 6—Page Pan. | 0 | |
Lock Magnifier Symbol | Specify a symbol to use when displaying the location of the magnification box on the map. | <object> | |
Map Tip Delay | Use to control the amount of time that the Map Tip displays as opaque. Show MapTips must be set to True to see MapTips. | 500 | Milliseconds |
Magnifier Top | Set the default Magnifier window position. The specified position is relative to the ArcReader display canvas. The upper left corner of the display canvas is 0,0. | 0 | Display Pixels |
Magnifier Left | Set the default Magnifier window position. The specified position is relative to the ArcReader display canvas. The upper left corner of the display canvas is 0,0. | 0 | Display Pixels |
Magnifier Right | Set the default Magnifier window position. The specified position is relative to the ArcReader display canvas. The upper left corner of the display canvas is 0,0. | 200 | Display Pixels |
Magnifier Bottom | Set the default Magnifier window position. The specified position is relative to the ArcReader display canvas. The upper left corner of the display canvas is 0,0. | 200 | Display Pixels |
Magnifier Zoom | Set the default zoom factor for the Magnifier window. 2—200%; 4—400%; 6—600%; 8—800%; 10—1000% | 4 | Long |
Measure Cache Size | Set the number of features to cache for snapping. A large number of features in the cache may decrease ArcReader performance when snapping to features. | 1000 | Long |
Measure Feature Snapping | Use to control whether users can snap to features while measuring. | True | Boolean |
Page Units | Set the status bar units for layout view display. 1—Inches; 2—Points; 8—Centimeters | 1 | |
Redraw Data to Fit | When True, the data displayed in the ArcReader display window will resize to fit the display window when the ArcReader application is resized. | True | Boolean |
Redraw Layout to Fit | When True, the ArcReader layout page will resize to fit in the display when ArcReader is resized. | True | Boolean |
Show MapTips | Use to control whether MapTips are displayed. MapTips display attributes for the primary field when the mouse cursor is over a feature. | True | Boolean |
ArcReader 3D settings
Setting | Description | Value | Type |
Cache Path | The folder location for 3D globe cache files. Cache files improve 3D display performance. This only applies when Use Disk Cache is set to True. | C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\GlobeCache | String |
Cache Size | The amount of RAM to dedicate to the 3D memory cache. | 512 | Megabytes |
Elevation Detail | The level of detail shown for the terrain used in the 3D globe. This setting can have a significant effect on display performance. | 0.500 | Percentage |
Frame Rate | The number of 3D frames to display per second during globe animation. | 30 | Long |
Image Detail | The level of detail to display for images used in the 3D globe. This setting can have a significant effect on display performance. | 0.410 | Percentage |
Max Cache Size | The maximum size for the 3D globe disk cache. This only applies when Use Disk Cache is set to True. | 176 | Megabytes |
Show Globe Tips | Use to show Tool Tip information when the cursor is over the globe. | 0 | Long |