When locating point features along routes, the route and measure information of each point feature is computed and written to a point event table. When locating line features along routes, the route and measure information is computed at the intersection of the line and route data and written to a line event table. When locating polygon features along routes, this route and measure information is computed at the geometric intersection of polygon data and route data and written to a line event table.
To be located successfully, the features must be located on or within a specified tolerance of the routes. The default search tolerance is 0. You control the size of the search tolerance by specifying a distance in whichever units you prefer. The search tolerance for points specifies a search radius; for lines, it specifies a cluster tolerance. The search tolerance does not apply to polygons.
In ArcGIS, the Locate Features Along Routes tool allows you to locate point, line, or polygon features along routes.
- In ArcCatalog, expand the Toolboxes folder in the Catalog tree.
- Expand System Toolboxes to show its contents.
- Expand the Linear Referencing Tools toolbox to show its contents.
- Double-click the Locate Features Along Routes tool.
- Click the Input Featuresbrowse button
and navigate to the feature class or layer. Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow and choose the input layer.
- Click the Input Route Features browse button
and navigate to the feature class or layer. Alternatively, click the drop-down arrow and choose the input layer.
- Click the Route Identifier Field drop-down arrow and click the route identifier field.
- If the input is a point feature class, type a search radius.
- If the input is a line feature class, type a cluster tolerance.
- If the input is a polygon feature class, the parameter is unavailable.
- Click the Search Radius drop-down arrow and click a unit of measure.
- Type the file name and path in the Output Event Tabletext box or click the browse button to specify the output location.
- Default values will be set on theOutput Event Table Propertiesdialog box. You can change the suggested field names by clicking any of the active drop-down arrows and selecting an alternative value.
- Click OK.