When you create a raster dataset in a geodatabase, you are creating an empty location to contain a raster dataset. You can then add a raster dataset to the empty location by copying or mosaicking one or more raster datasets into your empty one. You can also use this dataset with the geoprocessing tools or ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension operations to receive results.
A raster dataset can be created in any type of geodatabase—personal, file, or ArcSDE—or on its own on disk, such as a TIFF file. You can create a raster dataset using the context menu in ArcCatalog or using the Create Raster Dataset tool. To learn about the raster dataset file types that you can create, see Supported raster dataset file formats.
- Right-click a geodatabase and click New > Raster Dataset.
- Type the name of the new raster dataset.
No extension is needed, since it will be stored within a geodatabase.
- Set the Cell Size of the geodatabase raster dataset.
- Set the Pixel Type for the geodatabase raster dataset.
- Click the Spatial Reference for Raster button
to set the spatial coordinate system.
- Type the Number of Bands that the raster dataset will contain.
- Optionally, you can configure the geodatabase parameters by clicking the arrows to expand the Geodatabase Settings. Here you can set a configuration keyword, choose the pyramid parameters, set the tile size, choose the compression parameters, and set the pyramid reference point.
- Click OK.