Available with Network Analyst license.
The Solve Location-Allocation geoprocessing tool produces layers representing facilities, demand points, allocation lines, and route edges. The output feature classes and their corresponding field attributes are described in this topic.
Facilities feature class
The Facilities feature class represents the facilities that are part of the solution, such as chosen and required facilities, as well as any competitor facilities and facilities that were excluded from the solution.
The default name of this output feature class is Facilities, but you can give it a different name by changing the Output Facilities Name parameter (Output_Facilities_Name in Python) prior to solving.
The feature class is assigned the same coordinate system that the underlying network dataset uses. This can be controlled by specifying a value for the Output Coordinate System geoprocessing environment.
The field names of the Facilities feature class are listed and described below.
Field name | Description |
ObjectID | The system-managed ID field. |
Shape | The geometry of the point, which is stored internally. |
Name | The name of the facility. If the input facilities feature class also had a Name field with a nonnull value, the Name value is derived from that field; otherwise, the tool assigns a name. |
FacilityType | This field specifies whether the facility is part of the solution. It is constrained by a domain of values, which is referenced by the integer value in parentheses in the following list:
To see which noncompetitor facilities are part of the solution and likely capture demand, view the required and chosen facilities. |
Weight | The relative weighting of the facility, which is used to rate the attractiveness, desirability, or bias of one facility compared to another. This field and its values are copied from the input facilities. |
Capacity | The Capacity field is specific to the Maximize Capacitated Coverage problem type. It indicates how much weighted demand the facility is capable of supplying. A null value indicates the facility used the default capacity, which is set on the Default Capacity (Default_Capacity for Python) parameter at the time the tool ran. A nonnull value indicates the facility had a capacity that overrode the default capacity at the time the tool ran, and it specifies the override value. This field and its values are copied from the input facilities. |
DemandCount | This field contains a count of demand points allocated to the facility. A nonzero value means the facility is part of the solution. |
DemandWeight | This field contains a sum of the effective weight from all demand points that were allocated to the facility. In the case of the maximize attendance and market share problem types, the value is an apportioned sum of the Weight field values, since these problem types allow demand to decay with distance or be split among many facilities. |
CurbApproach | Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at or depart from the facility. This field and its values are copied from the input facilities. |
Status | This field is constrained by a domain of values, which are listed below (their coded values are shown in parentheses). Note that network location refers to the location of the facility on the network dataset.
Total_[Units] | The sum of the distances or travel times between the facility and each of the demand points allocated to the facility. |
Total_[Accumulated Cost Attribute]_[Units] | The sum of the distances or travel times between the facility and each of the demand points allocated to the facility. The units of the specified cost attribute are converted to the units that were set in the Measurement Units input parameter. |
TotalWeighted_[Units] | The cumulative weighted cost for a facility. The weighted cost for a demand point is its weight multiplied by the least-cost path between the facility and the demand point. The weighted cost for a facility is the sum of all the weighted costs of demand points that are allocated to the facility. For example, if a demand point with a weight of two is allocated to a facility 10 miles away, the TotalWeighted_Miles value is 20 (2 x 10). If another demand point with a weight of three is allocated to the same facility and is five miles away, the TotalWeighted_Miles value increases to 35 (3 x 5 + 20). |
FacilityOID | The Object ID of the input facility. This field can be used to join attributes from the output Facilities feature class to the input facilities or from the input facilities to the output facilities. It can also be used to join attributes to and from the output Facilities feature class. |
Demand points feature class
The Demand points feature class represents all demand points—both those that were allocated to facilities or left unallocated.
The default name of this output feature class is DemandPoints, but you can give it a different name by changing the Output Demand Points Name parameter (Output_Demand_Points_Name in Python) prior to solving.
The feature class is assigned the same coordinate system that the underlying network dataset uses. This can be controlled by specifying a value for the Output Coordinate System geoprocessing environment.
The field names of the Demand points feature class are listed and described below.
Field name | Description |
ObjectID | The system-managed ID field. |
Shape | The geometry of the point, which is stored internally. |
Name | The name of the demand. If the input demand points feature class had a field with the same name, the Name value is derived from that field; otherwise, the tool assigns a name. |
Weight | The relative weighting of the demand point. A value of 2.0 means the demand point is twice as important as one with a weight of 1.0. This field and its values are copied from the input demand points. |
AllocatedWeight | This is the amount of demand allocated to chosen and required facilities. The value excludes demand allocated to competing facilities. The value can have three interpretations:
GroupName | The name of the group the demand point is part of. This field and its values are copied from the input demand points. If demand points share a group name, the solver allocates all members of the group to the same facility. ![]() ![]() If constraints, such as a cutoff distance, prevent any of the demand points in the group from reaching the same facility, none of the demand points are allocated to that facility. This field is ignored for the Maximize Capacitated Coverage, Target Market Share, and Maximize Market Share problem types. |
DistanceCutoff | This value represents the distance cutoff limit imposed on the demand point, which prevents the demand point from being allocated to a facility that cannot be reached within the given distance. This field and its values are copied from the input demand points. A null field value indicates the demand point was limited by the default cutoff instead, which is specified in the Default Measurement Cutoff input parameter. The units for this field value are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units input parameter. This field is not present when Measurement Units is set to units of time. |
TimeCutoff | This value represents the travel-time cutoff limit imposed on the demand point, which prevents the demand point from being allocated to a facility that cannot be reached within the given travel time. This field and its values are copied from the input demand points. A null field value indicates the demand point was limited by the default cutoff instead, which is specified in the Default Measurement Cutoff input parameter. The units for this field value are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units input parameter. This field is not present when Measurement Units is set to units of distance. |
CurbApproach | Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at or depart from the demand point. This field and its values are copied from the input demand points. |
Status | This field is constrained by a domain of values, which are listed below (their coded values are shown in parentheses). Note that network location refers to the location of the demand point on the network dataset.
FacilityOID | The Object ID of the facility the demand point is allocated to. |
Allocation lines feature class
The Allocation lines feature class contains line features that connect demand points to the facilities they are allocated to. If a demand point is allocated to more than one facility, there is one line for each facility it is allocated to. If a demand point is not allocated to any facility, it won't have any corresponding lines.
The output shape type can be either true lines (the lines follow along the road network), straight lines, or even no lines at all (table values only); either way, a line feature always represents the allocation based on the shortest network path between the facility and the demand point; thus, the time- and distance-related fields always reflect network measurements, not straight-line measurements.
The default name of this output feature class is AllocationLines, but you can give it a different name by changing the Output Allocation Lines Name parameter (Output_Demand_Points_Name in Python) prior to solving.
The feature class is assigned the same coordinate system that the underlying network dataset uses. This can be controlled by specifying a value for the Output Coordinate System geoprocessing environment.
The field names of the Allocation lines feature class are listed and described below.
Field name | Description |
ObjectID | The system-managed ID field. |
Shape | The geometry of the point, which is stored internally. |
Name | The name of the allocation line. Names are formatted so the facility name and the demand point name are listed in the order they are visited. When travel is from facilities to demand points, the facility name is listed first in the following format: [facility name] - [demand point name]. The demand point name is first when travel goes from demand points to facilities. The Travel Direction input parameter determines the direction of travel. |
Weight | The weight assigned from the connected demand point (DemandOID) to the connected facility (FacilityOID). |
Total_[Units] | The distance or travel time of the shortest path between the facility and the demand point. |
Total_[Cost Attribute]_[Units] | The distance or travel time of the shortest path between the facility and the demand point. The units of the specified cost attribute are converted to the units that were set in the Measurement Units input parameter. |
TotalWeighted_[Units] | The weighted cost of traveling between the facility and the demand point. This is a Total_[Units] value multiplied by the weight of the demand point allocated to the facility. For example, if a demand point with a weight of two is allocated to a facility 10 miles away, the TotalWeighted_Miles value is 20 (2 x 10). |
DemandOID | The unique ID of the demand point the line is associated with. A line is always associated with one facility and one demand point. |
FacilityOID | The unique ID of the facility the line is associated with. A line is always associated with one facility and one demand point. |
Route edges feature class
The Route edges line feature class represents the individual road segments along the shortest route between demand points and the facilities they are allocated to.
To populate the output Route edges feature class, you need to set the Allocation Line Shape parameter to output true lines.
The default name of this output feature class is RouteEdges, but you can give it a different name by changing the Output Route Edges Name (Output_Route_Edges_Name for Python) parameter prior to solving.
The feature class is assigned the same coordinate system that the underlying network dataset uses. This can be controlled by specifying a value for the Output Coordinate System geoprocessing environment.
The field names of the Route edges feature class are listed and described below.
Field Name | Description | |
ObjectID | The system-managed ID field. | |
Shape | The geometry field indicating the shape of the lines. | |
SourceName | The name of the edge source feature class from which the line was generated. | |
SourceOID | The object ID of the traversed source feature. This value is an object ID from the feature class that is identified in the SourceName field. | |
RouteEdgeID | The ID representing the network dataset edge that was traversed by the route. Object IDs uniquely identify features and edge IDs uniquely identify edges, and there may be more than one edge per line feature. | |
FromPosition | Specifies where the output RouteEdges feature begins in reference to the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.
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ToPosition | Specifies where the output RouteEdge feature ends in reference to the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.
| |
RouteID | Uniquely identifies the AllocationLine feature that traversed the edge. The RouteID value corresponds to the AllocationLine feature's OID value. | |
Attr_[Units] | The travel time or length of the traversed portion of the underlying source feature. | |
Attr_[Cost Attribute]_[Units] | The travel time or length of the traversed portion of the underlying source feature according to the cost attribute name. The units of the specified cost attribute are converted to the units that were set in the Measurement Units input parameter. | |
Cumul_[Units] | The travel time or length of the route from its origin to the end of the traversed portion of this underlying source feature. | |
Cumul_[Cost Attribute]_[Units] | The travel time or length of the route from its origin to the end of the traversed portion of this underlying source feature. The units of the specified cost attribute are converted to the units that were set in the Measurement Units input parameter. | |
Attr_[Restriction Attribute] | Specifies whether the traversed edge used the restriction attribute referred to in this field's name.
| |
Shape_Length | The geometric length of the feature. |