You can connect to Netezza from ArcGIS clients. To do so, install and configure the Netezza ODBC driver on the ArcGIS client machines and create a connection file. When connecting from ArcGIS Server, you also need to register the database connection file with ArcGIS Server.
Connect from ArcMap
To connect from ArcMap to Netezza, install the Netezza ODBC driver on the ArcMap machine, configure it, and create a connection file in the Catalog tree.
See the Netezza Data Warehouse Appliance system requirements for supported versions of the driver.
Install and configure the Netezza ODBC driver
- Obtain the Netezza ODBC driver from Netezza and install the 32-bit version on the ArcMap machine.
Netezza provides a single installation file; you choose whether to install 32 bit, 64 bit, or both when you run the file.
- Configure the driver character set.
- If you will be using the legacy Netezza Spatial Package, set the driver to Optimize for ASCII character set during ODBC driver installation.
- If you will be using the Netezza Spatial Esri Package, do not set the driver to Optimize for ASCII character set during ODBC driver installation.
- After the ODBC driver is installed, you can set up an ODBC data source name. This name can then be used when you connect to the database.
If you set an ODBC data source name for the database, use the same name when configuring all Netezza ODBC clients to that same database. For example, if you configure a data source name for the Netezza ODBC driver on your ArcGIS for Desktop machine, set the same data source name for the Netezza ODBC driver on your ArcGIS Server machine. If you do not do this, registration of the database with ArcGIS Server will not work properly, as it compares the connection strings of the data being published and the database that is registered.
Connect to the database
Add a database connection using the Database Connection dialog box or Create Database Connection tool. The following steps describe using the Database Connection dialog box.
- Expand Database Connections in the Catalog tree in ArcMap or ArcCatalog and double-click Add Database Connection.
- Choose Netezza from the Database Platform drop-down list.
- In the Data source text box, type the ODBC data source name you configured for Netezza. If you did not configure an ODBC data source name, type the following connection string instead. The syntax is as follows:
ServerName=<host>;Port=<port number>;Database=<database name>
Provide the information appropriate to your Netezza data warehouse appliance.
For example, if your Netezza data warehouse appliance runs on a server named production, the port number used to communicate with the database is 2000, and the database name is analysisdata, type ServerName=production;Port=2000;Database=analysisdata.
- Choose which type of authentication method your data warehouse appliance uses: either Database authentication or Operating System Authentication.
- If you use database authentication, provide a valid user name and password in the User name and Password text boxes, respectively.
- Uncheck Save user name and password if you prefer not to save your login information as part of the connection; doing this can help maintain the security of the database. However, if you do this, you will be prompted to provide a user name and password every time you connect. Also note that Save user name and password must be checked for connection files that provide ArcGIS services with access to the database, or if you want to use the Catalog search to locate data accessed through this connection file.
- Click OK to connect.
A file is created in \\<computer_name>\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop<release#>\ArcCatalog.
You can move the connection to another location, just be sure users and applications that need to make a connection have read access to the directory where you place the connection file.
If you use the data from this connection as the source for a service, such as a geoprocessing or geocoding service, you may need to place the connection file in a shared location on your network. See Preparing resources for publishing as services for more information about sharing a connection file.
Connect from ArcGIS for Server
You can publish map services that contain data from Netezza. To do this, install and configure a 64-bit Netezza ODBC driver on the ArcGIS for Server machine and register the database with the GIS server. If ArcGIS for Server is running on Linux, you also need to configure the file to use the Netezza ODBC driver.
Install and configure the Netezza ODBC driver
- Obtain the Netezza ODBC driver from Netezza and install the 64-bit veresion on the ArcGIS Server machine.
Netezza provides a single installation file; you choose whether to install 32 bit, 64 bit, or both when you run the file.
- Configure the driver character set.
- If you will be using the legacy Netezza Spatial Package on a Windows operating system, set the driver to Optimize for ASCII character set during ODBC driver installation.
- If you will be using the legacy Netezza Spatial Package on a Linux operating system, set the following parameters in the odbcinst.ini file after ODBC driver installation:
- UnicodeTranslationOption = utf16
- CharacterTranslationOption = latin9
- If you will be using the Netezza Spatial Esri Package on a Windows operating system, do not set the driver to Optimize for ASCII character set during ODBC driver installation.
- If you will be using the Netezza Spatial Esri Package on a Linux operating system, set the following parameters in the odbcinst.ini file after ODBC driver installation:
- UnicodeTranslationOption = utf16
- CharacterTranslationOption = all
- If connecting from ArcGIS Server on Linux, do the following:
- Open the script found in the /arcgis/server/usr directory of the ArcGIS Server installation directory.
- Uncomment and set the LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER variable to the location of the Linux ODBC driver manager file.
For example, export LIB_ODBC_DRIVER_MANAGER=$HOME/bin/
- Place the Netezza ODBC connection files in the ArcGIS user's $HOME directory. The files must be named .odbc.ini and .odbcinst.ini.
- If ArcGIS Server was already running before you set up the Netezza connection, restart ArcGIS Server by running the file.
- After the ODBC driver is installed, you can set up an ODBC data source name. This name can then be used when you connect to the database.
If you set an ODBC data source name for the database, use the same name when configuring all Netezza ODBC clients to that same database. For example, the Netezza ODBC driver on your ArcGIS for Desktop machine must use the same data source name as the Netezza ODBC driver on your ArcGIS Server machine. If you do not do this, registration of the database with ArcGIS Server will not work properly, as it compares the connection strings of the data being published and the database that is registered.
Alter the script (Linux only)
Once you have installed the database client files, alter the script to reference them. You can access this script by browsing to the <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/usr directory.
- Ensure that the ArcGIS Server installation owner has at least read and execute permissions on the database client libraries.
- Open the script in a text editor.
- Remove the comment mark (#) from this line:
- Replace <> with the location of the Linux ODBC driver manager.
- Save and close the script.
- Restart each GIS server in your ArcGIS Server deployment by running the script.
Register the database
If you want your map services to use the data in your Netezza data warehouse appliance rather than using a copy of the data created at the time of publishing, register Netezza with ArcGIS Server. See Register a Netezza data warehouse appliance with ArcGIS Server in the ArcGIS Server help for instructions.