NITF data can be added to a mosaic dataset using the NITF (Generic), the NITF (NCDRD) raster type, or the Esri generic raster dataset raster type. When a NITF is added using the NCDRD raster type, the metadata fields specified below will be added and populated in the attribute table. Using the NCDRD raster type allows you to create a mosaic dataset where you can query the mosaic dataset based on a limited set of NITF attributes in the mosaic dataset attribute table regardless of the sensor type (for example, supporting a mixed collection of commercial satellite image products from multiple vendors).
The NITF raster type supports NITF versions 1.1, 2.0, and 2.1.
NITF fields added to attribute table
Field | Field Name | Alias | Description | Data Type |
FTITLE | ftitle | Title | Title of the file, typically using the filename as the title. | String |
FHDR | fhdr | FileVersion | File header (FHDR) concatenated with File version (FVER), such as NITF0.210. | String |
ONAME | oname | Originator | Valid name for the operator who originated the file, such as Digital Globe. | String |
FSCLAS | fsclas | Security Classification | Classification level of the entire file, such as unclassified (U). | String |
FSCLSY | fsclsy | Classification System | National or multinational security system codes found in DIAM 65-19, such as United States (US). | String |
OPHONE | ophone | OriginatorPhone | Valid phone number to reach the file’s originator, such as +1(800)496-1225. | String |
NBANDS | nbands | Number of Bands | Number of bands within the specified image. | Long |
IREP | irep | Image Representation | The color space of the image, such as single band (MONO), three-band color image (RGB), or multiband image (MULTI). | String |
ICAT | icat | ImageCategory | The category type of the image, such as visible (VIS), electro-optical (EO), or radar (RD). | String |
ISOURCE | isource | ImageSource | A description of the source of the image. | String |
ICORDS | icords | CoordinateSystem | This field shall contain a valid code, such as .G., indicating the type of coordinate representation used for providing an approximate location of the image in the Image Geographic Location field (IGEOLO). | String |
IGEOLO | igeolo | GeographicLocation | This field contains an approximate geographic location, which is not intended for analytical purposes. | String |
SENSOR | sensor | Sensor | A value derived from the Exploitation Reference Data TRE (CSEXRA) used to describe the sensor type from the commercial source. | String |
PREDICTED_NIIRS | predicted_niirs | PredictedNIIRS | The National Image Interpretation Rating Scale value, such as 5.2. A value of -999.99 means no value for this attribute was available. | Double |
CIRCL_ERR | circlerr | CircularError | Predicted CE/90 in the geolocation in the scene. The mosaic dataset attribute table values are normalized to meters. A value of -999.99 means no value for this attribute was available. | Double |
LINEAR_ERR | linearerr | LinearError | Predicted LE/90 in the geolocation in the scene. The mosaic dataset attribute table values are normalized to meters. A value of -999.99 means no value for this attribute was available. | Double |
SENSMODE | sensmode | SensorMode | Sensor mode types can be WHISKBROOM, PUSHBROOM, FRAMING, SPOT, SWATH, or TBD. This value is derived from the PIAIMC TRE. | String |
MEANGSD | meangsd | Mean Ground Sample Distance | Geometric mean of the across and along scan center-to-center distance between contiguous ground samples. The mosaic dataset attribute table values are normalized to meters. This value is derived from the PIAIMC TRE. | Double |
IDATIM | acquisitiondate | Acquisition Date | This field contains the time (UTC) of the image acquisition in the format CCYYMMDDhhmmss. | Date |
SENSNAME | sensorname | Sensor Name | The name of the sensor used in capturing the image found in the PIAIMC TRE. | String |
CLOUDCVR | cloudcvr | Cloud Cover | Indicates the percentage of the image that is obscured by cloud found in the PIAIMC TRE. | Double |
SUN_AZ | sunazimuth | Sun Azimuth | Azimuth of the target-sun line-of-sight vector projected in the target local horizontal plane, measured clockwise from True North, calculated at Image Start Time. | Double |
SUN_EL | sunelevation | Sun Elevation | The sun elevation angle from the local target plane to the sun calculated at Image_Start_Time, where the local target plane is referenced by the Target Centered - Earth Fixed, ST coordinate frame. | Double |
AZ_OF_OBLIQUITY | satazimuth | Satellite Azimuth | Azimuth of the target-SV line-of-sight vector projected in the target local horizontal plane, measured clockwise from True North, computed at Image Start Time. | Double |
OBLIQUITY_ANGLE | offnadir | offnadir | Obliquity angle measure from target local vertical, that is, the angle between the local North - Earth - Down (NED) horizontal and the optical axis of the image at Time of Closest Approach. | Double |
MIL-STD-2500C "National Imagery Transmission Format Version 2.1", May 01, 2006, United States Department of Defense.
STDI-0006 "National Imagery Transmission Format Requirements Document", December 20, 2006, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
STDI-0002 "The Compendium of Controlled Extensions for the National Imagery Transmission Format", November 16, 2000, National Imagery and Mapping Agency.