Appends one or multiple parcel fabrics into an existing target parcel fabric. The spatial reference of the input parcel fabrics must match the spatial reference of the target parcel fabric.
Use this tool to add new parcels into existing parcel fabrics. For example, you can append a new subdivision entered by the city’s public works department into the county assessor’s database of tax parcels. Another example would be to stitch different parcel fabrics into one single parcel fabric.
Coincident boundary points are merged between appended fabrics so that the internal parcel fabric topology remains intact.
The Append parcels as Unjoined Group option appends new parcels as unjoined groups. Unjoined parcels exist outside of the parcel fabric in their own local coordinate space. Unjoined parcels can be joined to the parcel fabric at any time. You would want to append parcels as unjoined if additional work is required on the parcels before they become joined to the parcel fabric layer.
If there is no selection on the input parcel fabric, all parcels and control points are appended. Control points can be separately appended by selecting only the control points from the input parcel fabric. Parcels can be separately appended by selecting only the parcels from the input parcel fabric. Select both the parcels and control points to append only those selected features.
Parcels from both the input parcel fabric and the target parcel fabric will remain intact after the append, even if the parcels overlap. For example, existing parcels are not split or modified by overlapping appended parcels. Coincident points are always merged.
Control points from both the input parcel fabric and the target parcel fabric will remain intact after the append, even if the control points overlap. However, if an overlapping control point (input) is appended that is associated to the same point ID as an existing control point (target), the association is removed. The existing control point and its associated point ID remain intact.
If TEST is specified for Parcels Schema Type, Lines Schema Type, or Control Schema Type, the schema (field definitions) of these input parcel fabric tables must match the tables of the target parcel fabric for the parcels to be appended. The schema-type parameters only apply to attributes that you have added to the parcels, lines, or control points attribute tables. Parcel fabric system attributes remain the same across different parcel fabrics. If NO_TEST is specified, the attributes of the input parcels, lines, or control points fabric tables (field definitions) do not have to match the tables target fabric dataset. However, any fields from input parcel fabric tables that do not match the fields of the target parcel fabric tables will not be mapped. Fields are only mapped between the input parcel fabric and target parcel fabric if the same fields exist in both fabrics.
The spatial references of the input and target parcel fabric must match. The tool cannot append a parcel fabric that has a spatial reference that is different from the spatial reference of the target parcel fabric.
The upgrade versions of the input and target parcel fabric must match.
Parcel fabric layers can be used as Input Parcels. If a parcel fabric layer has a selection, only the selected parcels and control points are used.
This tool cannot use multiple input parcel fabric layers with the same name. Although ArcMap allows for the display of parcel fabric layers with the same name, these layers may not be used. To work around this limitation, use the tool dialog box browse button to browse for the full paths of each of the Input Parcels.
To use the Parcels Subtype, Lines Subtype, and Control Points Subtype parameters, the target parcel fabric must have defined subtype fields and assigned subtype codes on the parcels, lines, and control points tables. In the Parcels Subtype, Lines Subtype, or Control Points Subtype parameter, provide a subtype description to assign that subtype to all new parcel fabric features that are appended to the target parcel fabric.
AppendParcelFabric_fabric (in_parcels, target, unjoined_group, {parcels_schema_type}, {field_mapping_parcels}, {parcels_subtype}, {lines_schema_type}, {field_mapping_lines}, {lines_subtype}, {control_schema_type}, {field_mapping_control}, {control_subtype})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_parcels | The input parcel fabrics that will be appended into the target parcel fabric. The spatial reference of the input parcel fabric must match that of the target parcel fabric. | Parcel Fabric Layer |
target | The existing parcel fabric that the input parcel fabrics will be appended into. The spatial reference of the input parcel fabric must match that of the target parcel fabric. | Parcel Fabric |
unjoined_group | Determines how parcels will be appended.
| Boolean |
parcels_schema_type (Optional) | Specifies if the schema (field definitions) of the input parcel fabric parcels table must match the schema of the target parcel fabric parcels table for data to be appended.
| String |
field_mapping_parcels (Optional) | Lists the attribute fields that will be mapped to the target parcels table. The list includes the existing attribute fields of the target parcels table and attributes fields that match between the input parcels table and the target parcels table. Because the input parcel fabric is appended into an existing target parcel fabric that has a predefined schema (field definitions), the Parcels Extended Attribute Field Map control does not allow for fields to be added or removed from the target parcel fabric. | Field Mappings |
parcels_subtype (Optional) | A subtype description to assign that subtype to all new parcel features in a parcel fabric that is appended to the target parcel fabric. | String |
lines_schema_type (Optional) | Specifies if the schema (field definitions) of the input parcel fabric lines table must match the schema of the target parcel fabric lines table for data to be appended.
| String |
field_mapping_lines (Optional) | Lists the attribute fields that will be mapped to the target lines table. The list includes the existing attribute fields of the target lines table and attributes fields that match between the input lines table and the target lines table. Because the input parcel fabric is appended into an existing target parcel fabric that has a predefined schema (field definitions), the Lines Extended Attribute Field Map control does not allow for fields to be added or removed from the target parcel fabric. | Field Mappings |
lines_subtype (Optional) | A subtype description to assign that subtype to all new line features in a parcel fabric that is appended to the target parcel fabric. | String |
control_schema_type (Optional) | Specifies if the schema (field definitions) of the input parcel fabric control table must match the schema of the target parcel fabric control table for data to be appended.
| String |
field_mapping_control (Optional) | Lists the attribute fields that will be mapped to the target control table. The list includes the existing attribute fields of the target control table and attributes fields that match between the input control table and the target control table. Because the input parcel fabric is appended into an existing target parcel fabric that has a predefined schema (field definitions), the Control Points Extended Attribute Field Map control does not allow for fields to be added or removed from the target parcel fabric. | Field Mappings |
control_subtype (Optional) | A subtype description to assign that subtype to all new control point features in a parcel fabric that is appended to the target parcel fabric. | String |
Code sample
AppendParcelFabric example 1 (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the AppendParcelFabric tool in immediate mode.
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/OaklandCounty.gdb"
arcpy.AppendParcelFabric_fabric ("/ParcelData/CountyFabric","/SubdivisionData/Subdivision","JOINED_GROUP",
AppendParcelFabric example 2 (stand-alone Python script)
The following script demonstrates how to use the AppendParcelFabric tool.
# Name: Append
# Description: Appends a new subdivision to the county's Parcel Fabric
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set workspace
env.workspace = "E:\City\LocalGovernment.gdb\ParcelEditing"
# Set local variables
in_data = "Parcel_Fabric"
out_data = " E:\County\LocalGovernment.gdb\ParcelEditing\Parcel_Fabric"
# Execute Append Parcels
arcpy. AppendParcelFabric_fabric(in_data, out_data, "JOINED_GROUP","TEST","","","TEST","","","TEST","","")
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes