Creating the database
Use one of the following script examples to create a database in PostgreSQL for the Reviewer workspace.
- Use the following script example to create the REV database using ST_Geometry.
- Use the following script example to create the REV database using PostGIS geometry.
CREATE DATABASE rev WITH OWNER = postgres ENCODING = 'UTF8' TEMPLATE=template_postgis TABLESPACE=rev_sde_dict; ALTER DATABASE rev SET search_path="$user", public, sde; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE rev TO public; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE rev TO postgres;
Creating schemas in the Reviewer database
- Use the following script example to create schemas in the REV database.
\connect rev --'sde' schema. CREATE SCHEMA sde AUTHORIZATION sde; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA sde TO sde; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA sde TO public; --'rev' schema. CREATE SCHEMA rev authorization rev; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA rev to public; --'pmeditor' schema. CREATE SCHEMA pmeditor authorization pmeditor; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pmeditor to public; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA rev TO role_rev_rev_editor; --'pmviewer' schema. CREATE SCHEMA pmviewer autorization pmviewer; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pmviewer to public; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA rev TO role_rev_rev_viewer;
- For PostgreSQL 9.0 and older, run the following script example for each user that will create data using PostGIS geometry storage.
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON public.geometry_columns to rev; GRANT SELECT ON public.spatial_ref_sys to rev;
For more information about creating a geodatabase, see Create an enterprise geodatabase.
Moving indices to rev_sde_dict_index
- Use the following script example to reorder the indices:
select schemaname, tablespace, indexname, tablespace; from pg_indexes where schemaname = 'sde' order by schemaname, tablename, indexname, tablespace;
- Use the following script example to move the indices:
select 'alter text'|| schemaname||'.'||indexname||'set tablespace rev_sde_dict_index;' as SQLTXT from pg_indexes where schemaname = 'sde' order by schemaname, tablename, indexname, tablespace;