Creating a soundings plot will help you verify that the features have been collected properly, are geometrically correct, and accurately coded. This check can be done using a combination of automated quality control and quality control plots of the data. Prior to coding the data, a test plot could be made to ensure feature presence as well as feature geometry and positional accuracy. When the feature attributes have been coded, color-coded plots of the data may be made to once again verify the feature presence, geometry, and coding.
Creating label classes
The different sounding types should be symbolized when you want to create a quality control plot. By creating label classes, features within the SoundP feature class will be rendered to show their correct Hydrographic Depth (HDP) or Hydrographic Drying Height (HDH) value based on their Sounding Category (SND) value.
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, set up the DNC production environment.
- If necessary, add the CoastL and SoundP layers.
In the Table Of Contents window,
right-click CoastL and click Properties.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Symbology tab.
- Double-click the line in the Symbol field to the left of the CoastlineShorelineLS subtype.
The Symbol Selector dialog box appears.
- Change the line's color to green and click OK.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Click OK.
CoastL redraws with a green line.
- In the Table Of Contents window, right-click SoundP and click Properties.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Symbology tab.
- In the Show list, click Categories > Unique Values.
- Click the Value Field drop-down arrow and choose exs.
- Click Add All Values.
- Click the Labels tab.
- Check the Label Features in this layer check box.
- Click the Method drop-down arrow and choose Define classes of features and label each class differently.
- Click Rename.
The Rename Class dialog box appears.
- Type Ordinary Sounding in the Class Name text box.
- Click OK.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Click Add.
The Enter New Class Name dialog box appears.
- Type Slant Sounding in the Class Name text box.
- Click OK.
- Repeat steps 20 through 22 using the following class names:
- No Bottom Found
- Drying Heights
- Other
- Click the Class drop-down arrow and choose Ordinary Sounding.
- Click SQL Query.
The SQL Query dialog box appears.
- Type [snd] = 9 in the SELECT * FROM SoundP WHERE text box.
- Click OK.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Label Field drop-down arrow and choose hdp.
- Click Symbol.
The Symbol Selector dialog box appears.
You will modify the settings for other classes in future steps.
- Click OK to accept the settings.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- Repeat steps 26 through 30 using the following settings:
SoundP Label class settingsClass Name SQL Query Label Field Text Symbol Slant Sounding
italicized text
No Bottom Found
bold, red text
Drying Heights
underlined text
Ordinary Sounding
[snd] = 9
default text
bold, green text
- Click OK.
The labels render in the map display area.
Set the data frame coordinate system
To accurately perform quality control of the sounding points plot, the projection of the plot's data frame must match the hard-copy chart you are reviewing.
- On the main menu, click View > Data Frame Properties.
The Data Frame Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Coordinate System tab.
- In the first text box, browse to and double-click the projected coordinate system that matches the hard-copy chart on which you are performing quality checks.
The Projected Coordinate System properties dialog box appears.
- Change the Central_Meridian and Standard_Parallel_1 values so they are specific to your chart.
- Click OK.
The Data Frame Properties dialog box appears.
- Click OK.
Prepare the chart for printing
Test plots are made to ensure feature presence as well as feature geometry and positional accuracy. In addition, feature coding can be verified by comparing the test plot with the hard-copy chart.
The layout view shows the map elements arranged the way they would appear on a hard-copy chart. The steps are for printing the layout of your map.
- On the main menu, click View > Layout View.
ArcMap switches to layout view.
- On the Standard toolbar, type the chart's scale in the scale text box and press Enter.
- On the main menu, click File > Page and Print Setup.
The Page and Print Setup dialog box appears.
- Click the Name drop-down arrow and choose a printer, plotter, or another output device.
- Click the Size drop-down arrow and choose ANSI E or a size that fits your chart.
- If necessary, change the orientation of the page from Portrait to Landscape.
- Click OK.
The layout changes the size you chose.
- Click the data frame in the layout.
A dashed border with handles appears around the edges of the data frame.
- Click and drag the handles of the data frame to align it to the page.
- Add the following items to the layout:
- Title information, including chart number, date, and technician initials
- Legend
- Green text stating the chart's classification (for example, UNCLASSIFIED/LIMITED DISTRIBUTION)
- On the main menu, click File > Print.
The chart is sent to your output device.