You can use the Convert GDB To VPF tool to export the geodatabases to Vector Product Format (VPF) at the conclusion of your new DNC collection or maintenance workflow after quality control has been performed.
The geodatabases should be named with the DNC library names as part of the preparation for the export. When populating the Input Geodatabases parameter with a selection of geodatabases to be converted, keep them within the same CD##. This tool provides an area for input for the Notice to Mariners (NTM) date that will autopopulate the NTM date as Metadata in all libraries exported. The output directory is a designated directory that creates the correct DNC file structure per CD. The exporter will create the DNC## folder, with the libraries and DHT and LAT files inside.
- Start ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Extensions and verify that all applicable extensions are checked.
You need Production Mapping and Maritime Charting.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical DNC.
The Nautical DNC toolbar appears.
- Click the Convert GDB To VPF button
on the Nautical DNC toolbar.
The Convert GDB To VPF dialog box appears.
- Click the Select Geodatabase(s) browse button and navigate to and select the geodatabases.
- Type the week/year (ww/yy) in the NTM Date text box.
- Click the Output Database Folder browse button and navigate to the location you want for the designated DNC VPF directory.
The dncXX autopopulates.
- Click OK.
The Exporting Geodatabase(s) progress dialog box appears with the status of the conversion process.
- If necessary, click Save Log to save the log file.
- Click OK when the process completes.