Available with Business Analyst license.
Imports stores that are in a shapefile format (already geocoded) and identifies them as stores for further analysis.
The existing store layer must be a point feature class.
SetupStoreByExistingData_ba (InputFeatureLayer, NameField, StoreIDField, WayToSpecifyStoreIDField, CreateNewFeatureClass, OutputFeatureClass, {UsePictureSymbol}, {ImagePath}, {PictureSymbolSize})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
InputFeatureLayer | The existing layer that contains your stores. | Feature Layer |
NameField | Selects a field to be used to identify the store name. | Field |
StoreIDField | The name used to identify the store ID. | String |
WayToSpecifyStoreIDField | Selects an existing store ID field or creates a new field.
| Boolean |
CreateNewFeatureClass | Generates a new feature class based on the existing layer or uses the existing layer.
| Boolean |
OutputFeatureClass | The feature class that will contain the store points. | Feature Class |
UsePictureSymbol (Optional) | Inserts custom store symbology into point feature class.
| Boolean |
ImagePath (Optional) | The file location containing the custom store symbology. | File |
PictureSymbolSize (Optional) | Set the symbol size by points. | Long |
Code sample
SetupStoreByExistingData example (stand-alone script)
# Name: SetupStoreByExistingData.py
# Description: Creates a customer layer using an existing point layer.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.6\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Defines the parameters for the Setup Store Using Existing Data tool
InputFeatureLayer = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp"
NameField = "NAME"
StoreIDField = "STORE_ID"
# Sets up a new store layer based on an existing layer
arcpy.SetupStoreByExistingData_ba(InputFeatureLayer, NameField, StoreIDField)
# Release extension license
print arcpy.GetMessages(2)
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Requires Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Requires Business Analyst
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requires Business Analyst