Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that creates data required for an Elevation Guide Box in defense-specific map templates. This tool uses banding and thinning tools to create elevation bands, spot heights, and hydro features for the guide box.
If the Input Hydro Exclusion Features parameter is not set, Product Type is used to locate exclusion hydro features in Input Geodatabase. For MTM* product types, the tool searches for a CoastA feature class in an MGCP feature dataset. For TM* product types, the tool searches for a HydrographySrf feature class in a TDS feature dataset.
Product Type sets contour interval. For products TM25, TM50, and MTM50, the contour interval is set to 20. For products TM100 and MTM100, contour interval is set to 40.
If Input Spot Height Features is not set, Product Type and Data Model Version are used to locate spot height features in Input Geodatabase. For MTM* product types, the tool uses TRD_3 or TRD_4, TRD_4_1, TRD_4_2, TRD_4_3, or TRD_4_4 data model dataset naming conventions. For TM* product types, the tool searches for a HypsographyPnt feature class in a TDS feature dataset.
If the Input Hydro Lines parameter is not set, Product Type is used to locate hydro line features. For MTM* product types, the tool searches for a WatrcrsL feature class in an MGCP feature dataset. For TM* product types, it searches for a HydrographyCrv in a TDS feature dataset.
If the Input Hydro Areas parameter is not set, Product Type is used to locate hydro area features. For MTM* product types, the tool searches for a WatrcrsA feature class in an MGCP feature dataset. For TM* product types, it searches for a HydrographySrf in a TDS feature dataset.
CreateElevationGuideData(input_geodatabase, input_area_of_interest, product_type, data_model_version, input_rasters, {input_hydro_exclusion_features}, {minimum_feature_area}, {smoothing_tolerance}, {input_spot_height_features}, {input_hydro_lines}, {input_hydro_areas}, {minimum_hydro_order}, {minimum_feature_size}, {in_number_of_bands}, {in_contour_interval})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
input_geodatabase |
Geodatabase that contains the CARTO feature dataset and EGB* feature classes. Data created for the Elevation Guide Box is appended to the feature classes in this geodatabase. | Workspace |
input_area_of_interest | A feature layer with a single selected feature that defines a processing extent for banding operations and a clipping extent for spot heights, input hydro areas, and lines. | Layer |
product_type | Indicates the type of Defense Mapping cartographic product that will include an Elevation Guide Box. product_type is used with data_model_version to refine input hydro exclusion, line, and area features, and input spot height features.
| String |
data_model_version | Indicates the Defense Mapping data model version. This parameter is used with product_type to refine input hydro exclusion, line, and area features, and input spot height features.
| String |
input_rasters [input_rasters,...] | Rasters to use to create elevation bands and supply elevation values to Elevation Guide Box data. If you specify more than one raster, all must have the same bit depth and number of bands. | Raster Layer |
input_hydro_exclusion_features (Optional) | A feature layer that defines a large water body area to exclude from the elevation band area computation. | Feature Layer |
minimum_feature_area (Optional) | Indicates a minimum area for output polygons created during the elevation banding process. The default is 0.00016 square decimal degrees. | Double |
smoothing_tolerance (Optional) | Controls the smoothing tolerance used by the Smooth Polygon tool during elevation banding processing. Smoothing adds vertices to sharp angles. Larger values create more generalized elevation bands. The default is 0.02 decimal degrees. | Linear Unit |
input_spot_height_features (Optional) | Feature layer or class that contains spot heights. If this parameter is not set, the Product Type and Data Model Version parameters control which feature class is used from the Input Geodatabase. | Feature Layer |
input_hydro_lines (Optional) | Hydro line features used in the Elevation Guide Box data. These features are generalized through a thinning process. If this parameter is not set, the Product Type parameter controls which feature class is used from the Input Geodatabase. | Feature Layer |
input_hydro_areas (Optional) | Hydro area features used in the Elevation Guide Box data. These features are generalized through a thinning process. If this parameter is not set, the Product Type parameter controls which feature class is used from the Input Geodatabase. | Feature Layer |
minimum_hydro_order (Optional) | The minimum hydro order value used to eliminate features. The tool will thin hydro features that have a stream order value less than this value. This value is used when generalizing Input Hydro Lines and Areas. The default value is 20. | Long |
minimum_feature_size (Optional) | Minimum area used to eliminate small, nonmain hydro polygons. This value is used when generalizing Input Hydro Areas. The default value is 0. | Double |
in_number_of_bands (Optional) | Indicates the number of guide bands generated by the tool.
| Long |
in_contour_interval (Optional) | Indicates the contour interval used to determine the closest contour available when calculating the band area. Bands are created with their limits aligned to the set contour interval, except for low and high values, which will represent their actual calculated values.
| String |
Code sample
CreateElevationGuideData example (Python window)
The following code example demonstrates how to use the CreateElevationGuideData tool.
# Importing necessary modules
from arcpy import management, defense, CheckOutExtension
from os import path
# Setting variables for tool input
index = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\EsriDefenseMapping\Desktop10.5\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\TLM50_Index'
selstring = "NRN = 'V795X16573'"
input_database = r'C:\Sample\MGCP_TRD_4_3.gdb'
raster = r'C:\Sample\Monterey.dt2'
hydroex = path.join(input_database, 'MGCP\CoastA')
spots = path.join(input_database, 'MGCP_Delta\ElevP')
# Creating an AOI feature layer and selecting single AOI
management.MakeFeatureLayer(index, 'AOI')
management.SelectLayerByAttribute('AOI', 'NEW_SELECTION', selstring)
# Running Create Elevation Guide Data tool
defense.CreateElevationGuideData(input_database, 'AOI', raster, 'MTM50', 'TRD_4_2', hydroex, spots, '#', '#', '#', '#', '#')
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requires Defense Mapping and Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst