Geocodes a table of addresses. This process requires a table that stores the addresses you want to geocode and an address locator or a composite address locator. This tool matches the addresses against the address locator and saves the result for each input record in a new point feature class.

You may geocode addresses that are stored in a single field or are split into multiple fields. A single input field stores the complete address, for example, 303 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308. Multiple fields are supported if the input addresses are split into multiple fields such as Address, City, State, and ZIP for a general United States address.
The output feature class is saved in the same spatial reference as the address locator. Changing the spatial reference of the output feature class is possible by setting a different output coordinate system in the tool's environment settings.
The output feature class, by default, stores a copy of input address and additional information such as score, status, and matched address of each record. The addresses can be rematched either using the Rematch Addresses tool or the Interactive Rematch dialog box in ArcMap. Editing addresses in the input address table will not change the result in the output feature class once the matching process finishes and the feature class is created.
Set the Dynamic Output Feature Class parameter to true (checked) if you want the matching result in the output feature class to be updated automatically when the input address table is updated. A relationship class is created for the input table and the output feature class. When an address in the input table is changed in an editing session in ArcMap, the address will be geocoded again immediately and the related record in the output feature class will be updated with the new geocoding result. The automatic update is also supported for adding a new record or deleting an existing record in the input table.
An ArcGIS Online for organizations subscription is required to match a table of addresses using the ArcGIS Online World geocoding service. See Working with ArcGIS Online World geocoding service for more information.
GeocodeAddresses_geocoding (in_table, address_locator, in_address_fields, out_feature_class, {out_relationship_type})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_table | The table of addresses to geocode. | Table View |
address_locator | The address locator to use to geocode the table of addresses. | Address Locator |
in_address_fields [input_address_field, table_field_name] |
Each field mapping in this parameter is in the format input_address_field, table_field_name where input_address_field is the name of the input address field specified by the address locator, and table_field_name is the name of the corresponding field in the table of addresses you want to geocode. You may specify one single input field that stores the complete address. Alternatively, you may also specify multiple fields if the input addresses are split into different fields such as Address, City, State, and ZIP for a general United States address. If you choose not to map an optional input address field used by the address locator to a field in the input table of addresses, specify that there is no mapping by using <None> in place of a field name. | Field Info |
out_feature_class | The output geocoded feature class or shapefile. | Feature Class |
out_relationship_type (Optional) | Indicates whether to create a static copy of the address table inside the geocoded feature class or to create a dynamically updated geocoded feature class.
| Boolean |
Code sample
GeocodeAddresses Example (Python Window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GeocodeAddress function in immediate mode using multiline geocoding.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/ArcTutor/Geocoding/Atlanta.gdb"
# Set local variables:
address_table = "customers"
address_locator = "C:/ArcTutor/Geocoding/Atlanta"
address_fields = "Street Address;City City;State State;ZIP Zip"
geocode_result = "geocode_result"
arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(address_table, address_locator, address_fields, geocode_result, 'STATIC')
GeocodeAddresses Singleline Example (Python Window)
The following Python window Script demonstrates how to use the GeocodeAddress function in immediate mode using singleline geocoding.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/ArcTutor/Geocoding/Atlanta.gdb"
# Set local variables:
address_table = "customers"
address_locator = "C:/ArcTutor/Geocoding/Atlanta"
address_fields = "'Single Line Input' SINGLELINE"
geocode_result = "singleline_geocode_result"
arcpy.GeocodeAddresses_geocoding(address_table, address_locator, address_fields, geocode_result, 'STATIC')
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Limited
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes