Available with Production Mapping license.
Loads data from a Web Feature Service (WFS) to a file geodatabase, which can then be used to create map products.
If you want a single database for each area of interest, the tool must be run separately for each selected area of interest.
If you've stored a connection to the WFS as a GIS server in your Catalog window, you can specify this connection file as the WFS server. Using the connection file rather than the URL allows you to define an additional setting for how to connect to the service. For more information about the WFS connection string format, see Using the WFS connection string format.
The features from the WFS that lie within the selected area of interest will be imported into the database.
If the AOI Layer is left empty, the entire service will be imported.
Domains and subtypes can be used if a premade schema XML file that contains them is entered in the XML Workspace.
Service information, user name, and password will be contained within the geodatabase.
You must have the Production Mapping extension and license to use this database after this tool is run.
The default axis order must be used for your ArcGIS Server WFS service for this tool to operate.
WFSToGeodatabase(wfs_server, in_target_gdb, {xml_workspace}, {in_aoi_features}, {username}, {password})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
wfs_server | The URL of the service containing the WFS data. | String |
in_target_gdb | The output geodatabase that contains the WFS features. | Workspace |
xml_workspace (Optional) | The database schema to be used, replacing the schema located in the service. | File |
in_aoi_features (Optional) | Features will be loaded from the specified area of interest. | Feature Layer |
username (Optional) | User name credential if applicable to the service. | String |
password (Optional) | Password credential if applicable to the service. | String Hidden |
Code sample
WFSToGeodatabase example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone sample script demonstrates how to use WFSToGeodatabase.
# Name: WFSToGeodatabaseExample.py
# Description: Import WFS data into a new file geodatabase in a specificed area of interest.
# Author: Esri
# Date: June 2015
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out Production Mapping license
# Define variables
wfs_service = "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/services/SampleWorldCities/MapServer/WFSServer"
output_geodatabase = "C:/data/SampleWorldCities.gdb"
xml_workspace = "C:/schema/SampleWorldCities.xml"
aoi_layer = "C:/data/AOI.gdb/AOIfeatureclass"
#Select AOI polygon
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(aoi_layer, 'NEW_SELECTION', 'ObjectID = 1')
# Execute WFSToGeodatabase
arcpy.WFSToGeodatabase_production(wfs_service, output_geodatabase, xml_workspace, aoi_layer)
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Requires Production Mapping
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requires Production Mapping