ArcGIS Server on Windows and Linux includes Python 2.7 for Windows 64 bit. The Python installation of ArcGIS Server includes additional packages such as numpy and matplotlib. However, if you wish to install additional custom Python packages, follow the steps below.
ArcGIS Server for Windows
- Download the Windows 64-bit version of the package.
- Browse to your download location.
- Double-click the .msi or .exe file to install the package.
ArcGIS Server for Linux
- Download the Windows 64-bit version of the package.
- Start the wine explorer application. At the terminal, paste this command:
. <ArcGISServer_InstallDir>/arcgis/server/framework/etc/arcenv; wine explorer &
- Browse to your download location (remember that Z:\ is mapped to your system's /.)
- Double-click the .msi or .exe file to install the package.
- Custom packages typically install into the following directories:
- Windows: C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.2\lib\site-packages
- Linux: <ArcGISServer_InstallDir>/arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Python27/ArcGISx6410.2/lib/site-packages
Testing custom Python packages
To test that the package installed properly, write a Python script that imports the package you installed and run the script. If you are unfamiliar with running stand-alone scripts, follow the steps below:
- Open the terminal window.
- Run the server's Python with the script as an argument, for example:<ArcGISServer_InstallDir>/arcgis/server/tools/python ~/projectX/