The following sections describe what is new at this release.
New at 10.6.1
Cover event behavior respects route dominance and concurrencies
When extending or realigning a route with cover event behavior configured, route dominance rules will be applied to ensure only the dominant route in any new concurrency created in the extended or realigned portion of the route will get the event with cover behavior. This ensures that only one event will be present at any location in a concurrent section created by the extension or realignment.
Additionally, when snap behavior is configured for RealignOverlaps and cover behavior is configured for Realign Route, both cover and snap will be applied when an existing concurrency exists and one of the routes are realigned. The newly realigned portion of the route will get cover behavior applied. The existing section of the route that was realigned will have any events in this portion snap to the next most dominant route in the old section of the route that was realigned.
Delete Routes tool
The Delete Routes geoprocessing tool allows you to delete routes in an LRS Network along with any associated calibration points, centerlines, and events. This tool provides a convenient way to delete routes and associated features mistakenly added while loading routes into your network.
New at 10.6
Advanced LRS editing options
There is a new option called Warn before allowing route edits that can create physical gaps. If this option is checked, and an edit activity results in introducing a new physical gap in the route, a warning message will be displayed. Edit activities with this warning include creating, extending, realigning, reassigning, and retiring routes.
Event behaviors
The Cover event behavior is a new type of behavior that was added and can be configured for extending and realigning routes. The Cover event behavior modifies the geographic location and measure of line events to ensure they cover an extended or realigned section of a route.
Conflict prevention
If a version is deleted in your geodatabase and conflict prevention is enabled, any locks in the deleted version will automatically be deleted from the Locks table.