Once you are working with a historical version, an easy way to navigate between various moments is to use the Geodatabase History Viewer, located on the Geodatabase History toolbar.

To enable the Geodatabase History Viewer, the following conditions must be met:
- There must be data present in the map.
- At least one dataset or class in the map must be archive enabled.
- You must be working with a historical version (Learn how to change to a historical version).
When the above conditions are met, any layers and tables that are archive enabled will be listed in the viewer.
The Geodatabase History Viewer allows you to choose a historical version by either selecting a historical marker or date and time.
(See the section on historical markers to learn how and when to create them.)

Choose the moment in time that you would like to connect to. Under the Historical Date and Time section of the dialog box, you can switch between moments by either selecting a named historical marker or setting a specific date and time. The Refresh button populates the Set by Historical Marker drop-down list with the current list of historical markers. If you have recently made a historical marker, it will not appear in the list until the Refresh button has been clicked.
The Refresh Database Time command will update the date control with the current database time. This ensures that the date and time are consistent between the client and the database server.
Once you have chosen a historical marker or a date and time, you can click the Apply button to refresh the map with the moment you have specified. When Auto Apply is checked, any change in the Historical Date and Time section of the Geodatabase History Viewer will automatically refresh the map with the moment you have specified.