The SQL UPDATE statement alters the values in a spatial column just as it does any other type of attribute. Typically, spatial attribute data must be retrieved from the table, altered in a client application, then returned to the server.
The following SQL statements illustrate how to fetch and update the spatial data from one row in the hazardous_sites table for each of the supported databases:
- Open an SQL editor and connect to your database.
Connect using an account that has privileges to update the table.
- Update the value stored in an ST_Geometry column.
- Oracle
UPDATE hazardous_sites SET location = sde.st_geometry('point (18 57)', 4326) WHERE site_id = 102;
- PostgreSQL
UPDATE hazardous_sites SET location = st_point('point (18 57)', 4326) WHERE site_id = 102;
- SQLite
UPDATE hazardous_sites SET location = st_point('point (18 57)', 4326) WHERE site_id = 2;
UPDATE hazardous_sites SET location = db2gse.st_pointfromtext('point(18 57)', 1) WHERE site_id = 102
- IBM Informix
UPDATE hazardous_sites SET location = st_pointfromtext('point(18 57)', 1) WHERE site_id = 102
- Oracle