Esri Defense Mapping cartographic production tool that creates a complete map document (.mxd file) based on a specified map product. This tool uses an area of interest (AOI) feature, a product geodatabase, and elevation data to create a product-specific map document.
At least one AOI feature must be selected.
The raster extent must be equal to or greater than the AOI extent.
You must have administrative privileges to the following locations:
- Default workspace, as defined in the environments setting
- Scratch workspace, as defined in the environments setting
- <user documents directory>\ArcGIS
- Output MXD workspace defined in the Map Document Workspace parameter
- Output folder for the geodatabase defined in the Input Geodatabase parameter
You must unzip the zipped files contained in your installation of Defense Mapping (located in the ReferenceData and Geonames folders) before executing this tool.
Multiple output map documents are created if the Area of Interest parameter has more than one selected feature.
The Area of Interest parameter must have an NRN field. NRN values uniquely identify each processed AOI. The tool returns The selected AOI does not have the necessary fields to create Grids if the NRN field does not exist.
If the Area of Interest parameter contains more than one selected feature, the map creation process occurs for each selected feature. A map document is created per feature. Features are uniquely identified by their NRN values.
If Area of Interest contains more than one selected feature and Open Map Document is checked (OPEN_MAP_DOCUMENT in Python), the tool will open the most recent map document created.
CreateRapidGraphic(workspace, aoi, product, version, document_workspace, {input_rasters}, {export_type}, {map_template}, {map_info_table}, {create_outputfolder}, {in_contour_interval})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
workspace | The geodatabase in which grid, elevation, and feature data used to create the output map document will be stored. | Workspace |
aoi | A feature layer that describes the processing extent. The feature layer must have one or more selected features. The NRN value of each selected feature is appended to the name of the output map document. | Layer |
product | Specifies the type of Defense Mapping cartographic product that will be created. This parameter controls the grids created during processing, the type of defense mapping template used for the output map document, and the scale used when generating data and graphics.
| String |
version | Specifies the Defense Mapping data model version. This parameter is used with the product parameter to determine the type of defense mapping template to use for the output map document. It is optionally used with the product parameter to create an Elevation Guide Box in the output map document.
| String |
document_workspace | The folder to which the output map documents will be written. Output map documents are named after each processed NRN value. | Folder |
input_rasters [input_rasters,...] (Optional) | The rasters to use to create elevation bands. If you specify more than one raster, all input rasters must have the same bit depth and number of bands. If there is no raster, the tool will not process the Elevation Guide data frame, prompting a warning. | Raster Layer |
export_type (Optional) | Specifies the type of export. This parameter is used with the product parameter to determine the Defense Mapping settings.
| String |
map_template (Optional) | The path to the custom map document that will be used to produce a complete map. If a custom template is not used, this tool will extract a template from the installation folder based on product type, data model version, and reference scale. A custom map template can only be created from an installed Rapid Graphic map document. Modifications allowed for a custom map template include adding and removing individual data layers, adding and removing graphic elements, changing graphic elements, adding and removing dynamic elements, and changing element tab properties of dynamic surround elements. Modifications not allowed for a custom map template include renaming data frames, modifying data frame properties, removing all data layers, renaming layers, changing area or size, and positioning properties of dynamic surround elements. | ArcMap Document |
map_info_table (Optional) | An input table that contains the Field_Name and Element_Part fields. These fields control the mapping between feature attributes and graphic elements. It defaults to the PopMapInfo table in the MapIndex database stored in <Installation location>\ArcGIS\ESRIDefenseMapping\Desktop10.6.1\ReferenceData. | Table |
create_outputfolder (Optional) | Specifies whether a folder will be created to store the output.
| Boolean |
in_contour_interval (Optional) | Specifies the contour interval that will be used to determine the closest contour available when calculating the band area. Bands are created with their limits aligned to the set contour interval, except low and high values, which will represent their actual calculated values.
| String |
Code sample
CreateRapidGraphic example (stand-alone script)
The following code example demonstrates how to execute the CreateRapidGraphic function.
# Importing arcpy
import arcpy
# Checking out necessary extensions
# Setting variables to necessary data
workspace = r'C:\Data\MGCP_TRD_4_5.gdb'
area_of_interest = r'C:\DefenseProductFiles\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\TM50_Index'
input_raster = r'C:\Data\Monterey.dt2'
custom_template = r'C:\Data\MTM50_TRD_4_5.mxd'
custom_info_table = r'C:\DefenseProductFiles\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\PopMapInfo'
output_workspace = r'C:\Data\Output'
# Setting variables for input parameters
product_type = 'MTM50'
version = 'TRD_4_5'
export_type = 'PRODUCTION_PDF'
# Creating AOI feature layer
selection_query = "NRN = 'V795X16573'", 'AOI')'AOI', 'NEW_SELECTION', selection_query)
# Running Rapid Graphic tool
arcpy.defense.CreateRapidGraphic(workspace, 'AOI', product_type, version, output_workspace, input_raster, export_type, custom_template, custom_info_table, 'DONT_CREATE_OUTPUTFOLDER')
# Checking in extensions
Licensing information
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requires Production Mapping and Defense Mapping and Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst