Available with 3D Analyst license.
In addition to basemaps from ArcGIS Online, you can add other data from the web for use in ArcGlobe. Using the window that is launched from the command in step 1 below, a search function is provided to help you look for the data you are interested in. You can search, read about, and use various online data sources through ArcGIS Online.
ArcGlobe supports downloading and automatically opening the contents of layer packages, as well as map services, globe services, and image services when using this ArcGIS Online window.
If you plan to work with the ArcGIS Online web browser to find data (in other words, you have opened a separate web browser such as Internet Explorer), save the file you want to use for 3D display and open it in ArcGlobe yourself. Otherwise, the default ArcGIS Desktop application that launches will be ArcMap when you click Open from the web browser. Layers such as globe service layers are not supported in ArcMap.
To add online data to ArcGlobe directly from the application, follow these steps:
- Click the drop-down arrow beside the Add Data button
and click Add Data From ArcGIS Online
- Click Sign In.
- Type your search term in the Search control.
- Optionally, click Details in this window to read the item description about the results listed.
- Click Add in this window next to the data you want to add to ArcGlobe.