Sometimes when you open a map in ArcReader, you get a message telling you that ArcReader functionality has been disabled by the map author or that data is inaccessible.
The publisher of the map decides how the map will be displayed in ArcReader and what functionality will be available for use with the map. To find out if the map was published with special settings, you can use the Map Properties dialog box by clicking the File menu and clicking Map Properties.
ArcReader contains the option to not show the unavailable functionality messages in the future. If you check this check box and decide later that you want the messages to appear, you can turn them back on using the Options dialog box. To do this, click the Tools menu, click Options, click the General tab, then check both check boxes in the Opening a map section of the dialog box.
The General tab
Unavailable functionality is listed on the General tab of the Map Properties dialog box. The map publisher may include information in the Comment section of the General tab about which tools and commands have been disabled.

The Data tab
The Data tab on the Map Properties dialog box lists layers that are inaccessible. Look here to see the names of broken layers. If a broken layer is listed, it means that something has happened to the data or that ArcReader is unable to connect to the data. If your map has broken data links, you can click the About Accessing Data button on the Data tab to get more information about broken layers as well as suggestions about how to fix them.

Broken data link
If you see a red exclamation point next to the layer name in the table of contents, the link to the layer's data source is broken. The map is unable to connect to the data.
Why does the interface change when I open a map?
Every map can have its own interface. The map publisher decides how the map will be displayed and what ArcReader functionality will be available for use with the map. Use the Map Properties dialog box to find out if the map was published with special settings.
The interface will also change according to whether the published map contains 2D or 3D content. The layout view, Layout toolbar, and magnifier window are only available for 2D maps. The Globe toolbar is only available for 3D maps.
Working with one map at a time
You can only work with one map at a time in an ArcReader session. ArcReader will close any open map before opening a new one. If you want to work with multiple maps, open a new ArcReader session for each map.
What does an asterisk mean next to the map name on the title bar?
An asterisk signals that the map has been republished. Reload the map by clicking the File menu and clicking Reload to see the latest revision of the map.