In this exercise, you will create obstruction identification surfaces (OISs) features using the tools in the ArcGIS for Aviation extension.
Before you begin this exercise, you must download the data from
Exercise 2a: Verifying data requirements are met for OIS creation
In this part of the exercise, you will verify that the data requirements have been met for the creation of OIS features.
To create the OIS features, there are elements of the data that are required. This part of the tutorial will show you how to check for one of the data requirements. To see a full description of the requirements, see Creating obstruction identification surfaces for runways.
- Start ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Extensions and verify that Airports is checked.
- Browse to the installation location of the downloaded ArcGIS for Aviation map package (.mpk) file.
By default, the map package data can be found in the following location: <Installtion location>\Users\<user>\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages\ArcGIS_for_AviationTutorial\v101\.
- Drag the ArcGIS for Aviation Tutorial.mpk file onto the data frame.
The ArcGIS for AviationTutorial map opens.
You can find the location of the map package in the Catalog window. Locate the Folder Connections node to find the installation location. If necessary, right-click the node and click Connect To Folder if a folder connection does not exist.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aviation Airports.
- Ensure the RunwayCenterline layer is checked in the table of contents.
- Right-click the RunwayCenterline layer and click Selection > Make This The Only Selectable Layer.
- Right-click the RunwayCenterline layer in the table of contents and click Properties.
The Layer Properties dialog box appears.
- On the Source tab, ensure the data is stored within a projected coordinate system.
- Click OK.
- Start an edit session on the Editor toolbar by clicking Editor > Start Editing.
- Click the Edit tool
on the Editor toolbar and select the single runway centerline feature.
- Click the Edit Vertices button
on the Editor toolbar.
The Edit Vertices toolbar appears.
- Click the Sketch Properties button
on the Edit Vertices toolbar.
The Edit Sketch Properties window appears.
- Confirm there is a value in the Z column for each point along the runway centerline.
- Once you have verified there are z-values for the runway centerline for which you will create OIS features, close the Edit Sketch Properties window.
- Stop the edit session by clicking Editor > Stop Editing on the Editor toolbar.
Exercise 2b: Creating OIS
This part of the exercise will show you how to use the Obstruction Identification Surfaces tool available with the ArcGIS for Aviation extension. This tool creates surfaces based on different specifications within the aeronautical industry. All are configurable if you need to alter input for the given specifications. This exercise will create an FAA FAR Part 77 Precision Instrument Runway OIS using the Obstruction Identification Surfaces tool. For more information on this tool, see Creating obstruction identification surfaces for runways.
- Click the Obstruction Identification Surfaces button
on the Aviation Airports toolbar to open the Obstruction Identification Surfaces window.
- Click the Specification drop-down arrow and choose FAA Regulations Part 77.
- Click the Input Runway drop-down arrow and choose RunwayCenterline.
- Click the Output Type drop-down arrow and choose TIN.
The Browse to Output dialog box appears.
- Browse to the directory where the TIN will be created.
- Click the New Folder button
and type ObstructionIdSurface for the folder name.
- Click to select the ObstructionIdSurface folder and click Add.
The path to the TIN workspace appears on the Obstruction Identification Surfaces window.
- Click the High Runway End Classification drop-down arrow and choose Precision Instrument Runway.
The dialog box will look like the following once you are finished.
- Click Generate.
The TIN surface takes longer to generate than the other output types, which are feature class, shapefile, and multipatch feature class.
- If necessary, check the check box next to PRECISION_INSTRUMENT_RUNWAY_09_27 in the table of contents to view the results.
- Close ArcMap without saving the changes.
Now that the OIS has been created, you can compare it to obstacle data in the next exercise.