It is highly recommended that you include the ESRI_LICENSE_HOST, SOFTWARE_CLASS, SEAT_PREFERENCE, and DESKTOP_CONFIG command line parameters when installing silently where applicable to your installation. This will enable a user to install without UI interaction or having to complete the ArcGIS Administrator Wizard.
- All versions earlier than 10.2 must be uninstalled before you proceed with the silent installation.
ArcGIS Desktop installation command line parameters
The following are the command line switches to execute the ArcGIS Desktop setup directly. The parameters are case sensitive and should be used as defined below.
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
ESRI_LICENSE_HOST= | License Manager |
Yes for Concurrent Use | Machine name of license manager. |
Yes | Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Basic (ArcView). |
Editor |
Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Standard (ArcEditor). | ||
Professional |
Installs ArcGIS Desktop as Advanced (ArcInfo). | ||
Yes | Installs your ArcGIS software class as a Single Use seat. |
Float |
Yes | Installs your ArcGIS software class as a Concurrent Use seat. | |
INSTALLDIR= | No | ArcGIS Desktop installation location. If not specified, the installation location is %System Drive%\Program Files\ArcGIS. | |
INSTALLDIR1= | No | Python installation location. If this feature is required and the value is not specified, the default location is Python27 on local system drive. | |
Yes (if you supply ESRI_LICENSE_HOST, SOFTWARE_CLASS, and SEAT_PREFERENCE on the command line) | Setting this parameter to TRUE will prevent ArcGIS Administrator Wizard from being launched automatically at the end of the setup. |
BLOCKADDINS= | #0 | No | Load all add-ins regardless of whether they have digital signatures. |
#1 | No | Only load and use add-ins that are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority. | |
#2 | No | Only load and use add-ins that have been published by Esri. | |
#3 | No | Only load add-ins from the administrator folders and all add-ins published by Esri. | |
#4 | No | Do not load or execute add-ins in this application. | |
ENABLEEUEI= | 0 | No | Do not enable participation in the Esri User Experience Improvement. |
1 (1 is default) | No | Enable participation in the Esri User Experience Improvement. | |
MODIFYFLEXDACL= | TRUE | No | The default value is FALSE. Enabling this property to TRUE alters the following permissions to allow management of the FlexNet anchor service by any user: SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS SERVICE_START SERVICE_INTERROGATE SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL READ_CONTROL |
How to perform a typical installation of ArcGIS Desktop without user interaction
Run this command from the command line to install ArcGIS Desktop as Advanced Concurrent Use using the machine GIS as the license manager. This example will also install Python to D:\python27:
<setup staging location>\setup.exe ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=GIS SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional SEAT_PREFERENCE=Float DESKTOP_CONFIG=TRUE INSTALLDIR1=D:\python27 /qbAdditional command line parameters are available:
INSTALLDIR=<installation directory> can be used to specify an installation location. The default location is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS if no INSTALLDIR parameter is given. If you are upgrading ; the INSTALLDIR parameter is not applicable, the installation location of the previous installation will be used. INSTALLDIR1=<installation directory> can be used to specify an installation location for Python except on an upgrade. The default location for this feature is python27 on the local system drive.
The following is an example of a client installation where an administrative installation exists on a server (\\machinename):
\\machinename\ArcGIS\setup.exe INSTALLDIR=C:\ArcGIS ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=GIS SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional SEAT_PREFERENCE=Float DESKTOP_CONFIG=TRUE /qbHow to perform a complete installation of ArcGIS Desktop silently
Run this command from the command line to install a Complete ArcGIS Desktop Standard license level with the machine GIS as the license manager:
<setup staging location>\setup.exe ADDLOCAL=ALL ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=GIS SOFTWARE_CLASS=Editor SEAT_PREFERENCE=Float DESKTOP_CONFIG=TRUE /qbAn additional command line parameter is available:
INSTALLDIR=<installation directory> if you do not want to install to the default location of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS. If you are upgrading, the INSTALLDIR parameter is not applicable, it will detect the installation location.
For example
<setup staging location>\setup.exe INSTALLDIR=C:\ArcGIS ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=GIS SOFTWARE_CLASS=Editor SEAT_PREFERENCE=Float DESKTOP_CONFIG=TRUE /qbHow to perform a custom installation of ArcGIS Desktop silently
Run this command from the command line to perform a custom ArcGIS Desktop installation with the machine GIS as the license manager and the product type as professional:
<setup staging location>\setup.exe /qb ADDLOCAL=<feature1>,<feature2>,.... ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=GIS SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional SEAT_PREFERENCE=Float DESKTOP_CONFIG=TRUE /qbTo install ArcGIS Desktop as a Single Use installation:
<setup staging location>\setup.exe /qb ADDLOCAL=<feature1>,<feature2>,.... SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional SEAT_PREFERENCE=Fixed
Specify installation features as follows:
ADDLOCAL feature (Each feature name must be specified; for example, you cannot use ADDLOCAL=Applications to install all Application subfeatures.) |
Applications |
ArcMap |
ArcCatalog |
Miscellaneous features |
Python |
Extensions |
Ext_3D_Analyst |
ArcScan |
GeoStatisticalAnalyst |
ArcMap_Publishing_Extension |
SpatialAnalyst |
Schematics |
NetworkAnalyst |
TrackingAnalyst |
Styles |
CivicAndBusiness |
NaturalResources |
Templates |
TemplateGeneral |
TemplateIndustry |
TemplateWorld |
TemplateUSA |
How to perform an uninstallation of ArcGIS 10.7.1 for Desktop silently
To uninstall a product silently, use the following Windows installer command:
msiexec.exe /x <{product code}> /qbFor example, to uninstall ArcGIS 10.7.1 for Desktop silently, use the following command line:
msiexec.exe /x {69262D87-3697-492B-ABED-765DDC15118B} /qb