If you know the addresses of your stops or barriers, you can geocode them using an address locator or an ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online geocoding service. The Data and Maps for ArcGIS media, which is included with ArcGIS, also provides an address locator for North America.
- Click the Find Route button
on the Tools toolbar.
- Add a routing service following the instructions in one of the following topics.
- To add a file-based network dataset: Adding a file-based routing service
- To add an ArcGIS Online routing service: Adding an ArcGIS Online routing service
- To add an ArcGIS Server routing service: Adding an ArcGIS Server routing service
- Click the Stops or Barriers tab, then click the Add Stop or Add Barrier button.
This will open the Locations tab on the Find dialog box.
- Select the desired address locator.
- To select a file-based locator, click the Browse button
in the Find dialog box. Navigate to and select the desired address locator, then click Add
- To select an ArcGIS Server geocode service, click the Browse button
in the Find dialog box, then follow the steps in the following topic: Adding an ArcGIS Server geocoding service
- To select an ArcGIS Online geocoding service, click the Choose an address locator drop-down arrow in the Find dialog box and select the desired ArcGIS Online service
- To select a file-based locator, click the Browse button
- Type the address information into the fields in the Find dialog box.
- Click the Find button. The location candidates will be listed at the bottom of the dialog box.
- Right-click the desired location and select Add as Stop to Find Route or Add as Barrier to Find Route. You can also use this menu to zoom to the point on the map, flash the point, or add the point as a map graphic. The location candidate with the highest geocoding score appears at the top of the list.
- Optionally, geocode other locations and close the Find dialog box when finished.
- To move a stop up or down in the listed routing order, select the stop in the list (the corresponding stop on the map is highlighted in yellow), then click the Up or Down arrow buttons.
- To remove a stop or barrier, click the stop or barrier in the list and click the Remove button.
- If you want the route to end at one of the stops previously listed, check the Return to check box in the Stops tab and select the desired stop.
- Click the Find Route button to calculate the route and display it on the map.
- Click the Directions tab to see detailed directions for your route that include the driving distance and driving time.