Two tools exist to delete nodes from a TIN surface: Delete TIN Node and Delete TIN Nodes By Area.

Use the Delete TIN Node interactive tool to remove nodes from a TIN. Click on a node to remove it.
Use the Delete TIN Nodes By Area interactive tool to remove nodes within a digitized polygon. To delete the nodes within an area select the location on the TIN surface where the polygon will start; the first vertex is digitized on the surface. Continue to add each vertex to the polygon by a single click in the desired locations. Double-click to finish entering a new polygon. The nodes within the polygon will be removed from the triangulation.
- Click the TIN Editing drop-down menu and choose Start Editing TIN.
- Click either the Delete TIN Node or Delete TIN Nodes By Area tool from the TIN Editing toolbar.
- Interactively select the individual nodes or a polygon boundary of nodes to delete from the TIN surface.