Depending on whether you are using a feature service or a map service (either ArcIMS image service or an ArcMap service), the layers in the ArcMap table of contents and the set of options on the Layer Properties dialog box will differ.
ArcIMS services can be used in ArcMap (as well as in ArcScene and ArcGlobe) as map layers. Following are some common tasks for working with ArcIMS service layers. Since ArcIMS image and ArcMap Server services are generally similar, they are described together.
Table of contents
When you add an ArcIMS image or ArcMap Server service to ArcMap, you'll see one new composite layer, composed of sublayers. The ArcIMS layer is initially contracted in the table of contents. Click the plus symbol to expand the service layer to see its sublayers and legend information.

Note the line connecting the sublayers. This line denotes that you are prohibited from inserting a layer within this service (group) layer or breaking apart the service layer into its constituent sublayers.
Viewing and setting properties for ArcIMS map service layers
Right-click the layer and click Properties to view the Properties dialog box for an ArcIMS layer.
The Source tab displays information such as the map extent, data (service) type, URL, version of the ArcIMS server, access restrictions, and coordinate system of the service.

This tab also lists access restrictions, unavailable output types, forbidden requests, and information on whether query results from the server include feature geometry.
The Source tab for each sublayer includes the following:

The Set Data Source button on the Source tab enables you to repair the map service layer if for any reason the connection to the server was interrupted when opening the map. You can tell if the layer needs repairing because it isn't drawn, its check box in the table of contents is unavailable, and there is a red exclamation mark next to its check box.
This also enables you to specify a different ArcIMS image service for this layer. You cannot choose a different service type to set the data source. For example, you cannot replace an ArcIMS image service with a WMS service using Set Data Source. If you want to do this, you need to manually remove the ArcIMS service from the map and manually add the WMS service.
The application only repairs/replaces the data source for the current service layer, even if the data sources of other service layers that need repairing are from the same server. You need to update these layers separately.
Changing the display of the service layer
There are a number of things you can do to affect the display of a web map layer. When you are working with image services, symbology cannot be changed. You can toggle layer or label visibility on and off, change the drawing order of sublayers, set a background color for the service, and apply transparency.
You can turn the visibility of image service and image service sublayers on and off using the check boxes in the table of contents. You can also toggle the visibility of sublayer labels. Toggling label visibility can be done by right-clicking the sublayer in the table of contents and choosing Label Features from the context menu.
You can change the order of ArcIMS image service sublayers on the Layers tab.
You can change the background color of the service layer, set a specific color as transparent, apply a level of transparency to the service layer, or change the image type received from the server using the options available on the Advanced tab. For more information, see the section on the Advanced tab for web map layers.
Working with table joins and relates
Right-click an ArcIMS service sublayer to view its Properties dialog box, then click the Joins & Relates tab. From this tab, you can join or relate an ArcIMS service sublayer to other layers in your map or to stand-alone tables. However, there are two limitations: you cannot perform spatial joins using ArcIMS image or ArcMap Server service sublayers, nor can you join a service sublayer to another service sublayer. For more information, see About joining and relating tables.
The Fields tab allows you to choose a primary display field, set field aliases, set which fields will be visible in the attribute table, and format numeric values.
ArcIMS feature services
A feature service is used as a feature class inside ArcMap. For example, to create a layer, you add a new feature layer and specify that ArcIMS feature service as the data source for the layer.
After adding a feature service to ArcMap, you'll get a new layer containing sublayers for each of the feature classes in the service. If you add ArcIMS feature classes individually, they each show up in ArcMap as individual layers. The graphic below shows a feature service in the table of contents:

Querying features from the service layer
Querying map features can range from retrieving a list of attributes by clicking a feature on the map using the Identify tool to running advanced analytic models using geoprocessing. The ability to perform the various kinds of query tasks depends on the type of server and the type of service you are using.
You can use the Identify and Find tools to query most ArcIMS service layers. However, ArcIMS administrators can set limits on querying functionality. When this occurs, ArcMap makes unavailable certain functions and reports the limitation on the Source tab of the service layer properties. There may be other considerations, such as the availability of feature geometry and server time-outs, that may affect the ability to query an ArcIMS service layer. For more information, see Querying features from an ArcIMS service layer.