Available with Advanced license.
Converts a region subclass to a polygon coverage and creates an INFO table containing overlapping region information.
All items in the region subclass polygon attribute table (PAT) are maintained in the Output Coverage PAT.
The Output Coverage PAT contains only the attributes of the first region associated with each polygon. Values of zero indicate void areas in which the subclass does not exist.
The attributes of the second to the Nth regions associated with each polygon are stored in the Output Table.
If only one region is associated with each polygon (a planar region subclass), then the Output Table does not need to be specified. However, an Output Table must be specified when using non-planar region subclasses.
The polygon User-IDs of the Output Coverage will be altered.
Use the Output Table to relate the Output Coverage polygons to the Input Coverage region subclass.
RegionPoly(in_cover, out_cover, in_subclass, {out_table})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_cover | The coverage containing the region subclass to convert to polygons. | Coverage |
out_cover | The polygon coverage to be created from the Input Subclass. The coverage may not already exist. | Coverage |
in_subclass | The region subclass of the Input Coverage that will be converted to a polygon coverage. | String |
out_table (Optional) | The output INFO table that will contain information for regions associated with each polygon. | INFO Table |
Code sample
RegionPoly example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to create a polygon coverage from a region subclass.
# Name: RegionPoly_Example.py
# Description: Creates a polygon coverage from a region subclass
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inCover = "hydro"
outCover = "C:/output/genhydro"
inSubclass = "general"
outTable = "C:/output/genhydrotab"
# Execute RegionPoly
arcpy.RegionPoly_arc(inCover, outCover, inSubclass, outTable)
Licensing information
- Basic: No
- Standard: No
- Advanced: Requires ArcInfo Workstation installed